The World's One Absolute

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AN- I'm going to make this an AU so here is some info!

Tommy & Wilbur are humans. Phil, Tubbo, and Techno are Gods. Tubbo is the new God of Life, Techno is the God of War and Death, Phil is the God of the Sky. Dream is a spirit of War and Fear. He is related (not by blood) to Techno. Gods can die, but only at the hands of another God. Tubbo is a young God seeing as he replaced the old God of Life.


Tommy was young when he met Phil, Wilbur, and Techno. So young when Phil, with a pair of extra appendages he had never seen before, welcomed him into his home. Too young when Wilbur looked at him with war torn eyes and swore to himself to always protect him. Oh so young when Techno writ him off as nothing but another kid Phil brought into his home, another person that he would watch grow and fade away, another 60-80 years that passed by like minutes to a God as old as he. Another Carlos, Emma, Jake and Dan. Another Wilbur.

At first, he was too young and naive to notice that Techno and Phil never aged. As he grew up, scratched knees and clumsy hands, Techno and Phil never changed. Techno never gained the laughter lines and small scars that he and Wilbur did. Phil never gained the gray hairs and tired eyes that Tommy's friends parents did, his hair stayed the wheat blond it was since the day he welcomed Tommy into his home.

At first, he didn't understand. He didn't grasp the differences that made his father and oldest brother unlike himself and Wilbur. Some part of him could subconsciously tell, though. He could tell that Techno didn't understand the pain of growing up the same way Wilbur did, how sometimes Tommy woke up with aching knees and exhausted eyes despite a good night's sleep.

In the end, it didn't surprise Tommy that he and Wilbur set off from the two of them. Don't get him wrong, he loved Techno and Phil. Phil would always be his father, and Techno his older brother and role model, but he always felt closest to Wilbur. The only other human in the house.

Wilbur set off first, to a land run by other humans and friends of his. Tommy wished he could follow, but he was too young to join on that kind of adventure. He remembered watching Wilbur walk into a portal after his older brother had given him a tight hug and a noogie. Left him alone in a house with two beings stuck in time, with eyes that saw too much and swords who cut through more flesh then hairs on Tommy's head.

They met again a couple years later, when Tommy was 15 and he was finally allowed to split off from his brother and father. Sure, they were in the same world but Tommy had nothing but a fragile, on and off alliance with his oldest brother's Empire. He didn't run into Wilbur as much as he wished he could, but that was okay. It was easy to grow and create relationships with other humans.

(Minus the boy with flowers in his hair, who moved across the lands with a grace and relation to the Earth that part of Tommy envied. A boy who never aged, who would sometimes look at Tommy with sadness in his eyes that Tommy could never begin to comprehend. But Tubbo was different. He was also too young, too young for the things yet to come.)

This world didn't last as long as he wished it did, and soon enough he and Tubbo were heading off into the unknown again. Eventually they found themselves in another world, governed by a man in a mask who was so similar to Techno in ways that Tommy dreaded. At first things were fine, and Tommy was happy. Sure, he had spats and a mini-war with Dream, but he had Tubbo with him and things were good. Then, Wilbur joined. Then, things got worse.

It would be wrong of him to blame Wilbur for the things to come, he was but a catalyst for the fire that would scorch this land.

The first war was hard enough. Dream was ruthless and powerful, a being born with war in his bones and fear in his veins. Not quite a mortal, but also not a God. Though, he always looked like a God when he fought. When he shot Tommy with deadly accuracy that made Tommy start to understand why Wilbur looked so haunted at night. War wasn't meant for kids.

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