Be Our Heroes Prologue

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          The five best friends who are sitting in the living room of Kyonna watching a movie together at a slumber party. They are all sitting on the medium sized couch from left to right (Jazmin Acosta the shy and quiet one, Viviana Vasquez the artist and intelligent one, Kyonna Campbell the fashionista and the leader of the group, Francisco Melendez the outspoken and only guy in the group, and Daycia Turner the artist and final member of the friend group). All five of them have been best friends since middle school and they are all currently seniors at Huntington Beach High School. Also they are all very well known across their school due to their social status as a group which was a mix of the nerds, fashionistas and etc. However it all could change in a quick second because little do they know is their boyfriends (Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Oliver Gross and Austin Tegas) are all planning to cheat on them to gain popularity and move upwards towards the social ladder in their school.

         Meanwhile at the club with the five guys, They all look at five random girls dancing together while smirking to themselves. A plan is automatically set as Dean smirks while swearing "Now those five sluts are truly to get what they deserve." The four smirk back agreeing with him. They all sneak through the dance floor to see the random girls dancing together. Dean requests "Can me and my boys dance with you gals?"

            She nods while smiling at him agreeing at him. Dean and his best friends dance with the random girls on the dance floor for awhile. After a few minutes dancing with the random girls, Dean and his best friends start to hook up with the random girls while on the dance floor. However back at Kyonna's house in the living room, Jazmin ponders while looking at her best friends "Do you guys know where they could be?" No one answers her question until they hear five loud beeps from all of their cell phones on Kyonna's coffee table. 

       They all look at each other in confusion and then Francisco asks "Okay what the hell is that?" They all grab their phones from the coffee table. They all unlock and open their phones with shocked gasps from everyone. The video message which is sent to all of them which is their boyfriends cheating on them at a club. Jazmin shakes her head refusing to believe Seth cheating on her "Seth would never cheat on me...he promised me." 

    Kyonna puts her hand on Jazmin's knee comforting "I know you don't want to believe it unfortunately he broke that promise Jazmin." Viviana starts to sniffle and asks "So what we do now?" Francisco gets up from the floor and hugs her comforting her "Well we'll move on." And then, they all joined in hugging another and healing another. None of them knew that their night was going to a horrible night for them and their lives about to change.

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