Be Our Heroes Part 5

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       On Saturday night with Kyonna's friends and herself. At the park in the night , Jazmin asks "Why me when there are so many other girls who are clearly better looking than me?" Johnny looks her directly in her eyes declaring "Cause I believe you deserve so much better." The next thing happens is he plants a kiss on her lips. He lets go to see her blushing which he giggles "You clearly liked that."

   Jazmin shyly admits "I actually liked that." Johnny confesses "I know you do beautiful but I know this is a bad time to ask this but I need to get it out of my chest." Jazmin raises an eyebrow in confusion "Please do." He holds her soft hands in his hands confessing "I know you are still hurting from what Seth has done to you but I know when we kissed there is a deeper connection between us." He continues confessing "I really like you more than a friend and would like you to be my girlfriend Jazmin."

  Jazmin blushes while admitting "Ever since you saved me from Seth, I have been thinking of you so I like you as well Johnny." Johnny blushes while asking "So you have been thinking of me?" Jazmin giggles as she wraps her arms around his neck to kiss him "Yes and I want to be your girlfriend." They kiss in the park. At the pier at the beach, Jimmy and Viviana are watching the ocean.

  Jimmy couldn't help but to stare and admire Viviana's beautiful face. He thinks to himself "Oliver is truly an moron for cheating on someone so beautiful." Viviana looks at Jimmy in confusion "What are you staring at?" Jimmy jokes while flirting "Can't a guy stare at art?" Viviana laughs while blushing "No!" Jimmy playfully ignores "Gonna stare anyways."

   Viviana admires while looking at the water "You know, this is so beautiful...I wish this never ends." Jimmy looks at Viviana with a smile "You are so beautiful and admiring." Viviana chuckles "Who knew that you could have a romantic side?" Jimmy declares "I know I seem crazy what for what I did at the slumber party but I would do the same for you and anyone that I love and care about." She squeaks out "Really?"

   He nods while moving closer to her. He kisses her on her cheek making her blush. Jimmy pokes her cheeks "You are so cute Vivi." Viviana lays her head on Jimmy's shoulder on the pier. At the bench at the beach, Kyonna muses as she is eating cotton candy "Who would have known someone with that much muscles is a total wuss in a haunted house?"

    Matt playfully eye rolls at her "I didn't even scream!" Kyonna giggles "Yes you did! You nearly blew my ears out with your manly scream!" They both laugh together then Kyonna declares "I never had this much fun on a date before." Matt questions "Wait really?" Kyonna nods her head while scoffing "Roman didn't do this much for me."

   Matt scoffs "Obviously he doesn't know how to treat a beautiful girl like yourself." Kyonna sighs sadly "But I dated him anyways." Matt jokes "And I beat the shit out of him." Kyonna giggles "Yes you did but what about me?" He replies "I never would have expected for you to jump on Roman's back though."

    She honestly speaks "Well what would have happened if I hadn't?" He agrees "Yeah I agree." She declares "Once you saved me from Roman, I never realized how much an idiot I really am for dating someone who could have done so much damage to me until now." He comforts while wrapping his shoulder around Kyonna's shoulder "You're not an idiot...he is the idiot for cheating on you and trying to hurt you at your own slumber party." He comforts "Please don't ever blame yourself."

    Kyonna sighs sadly "I'll try not to." Matt squeezes her hand with his in comfort "I'm here for you Kyonna." She smiles at him then suddenly she kisses him by accident. She lets go quickly apologizing "I am so sorry for that...I don't know what came over me." He gives her a loving glance "No it's okay besides I wanted to do that to you since when you were comforting Francisco in the hallways a few days ago besides your lips taste like cotton candy which I like and you're really cute when you blush Kyonna."

     Kyonna blushes "Oh I never knew that Matt." Matt smiles "You know now." They both giggle then Matt asks "Can I kiss you if you want to ?" Kyonna answers while blushing "Yes." He grabs her chin to kiss her lips which causes them to kiss each other softly. Matt lets go of the kiss.

     Matt is going to say something until Kyonna interrupts him shyly "I guess we are boyfriend and girlfriend now." He kisses her head "Yes we are and wait, you're actually shy about me becoming your boyfriend?" She giggles "Yes and I know right besides I am very outspoken and all." He holds her hand comforting "I know how you feel since I'm the same exact way as well."

   Kyonna looks up to him with a soft smile. She kisses him. Kyonna lays on her head on his shoulder with him planting a kiss on her head. They enjoy each other's company in comfortable silence and joy. Meanwhile in Zacky's bedroom with him and Daycia, They lay on his bed talking and joking around with another.

     Daycia compliments "For a guy that likes metal stuff, your giggle is so adorable." Zacky jokes with her "And I thought you were the nicest one of the group." Daycia gasp playfully as she hits his shoulder "Hey!" Zacky flirts "I am just joking Daycia." Then he wraps his arm around her shoulder "Austin is such an idiot for doing that to you."

     Daycia begs "Don't remind me of him...please." He apologizes "I am sorry but how could someone like that does that to someone who is genuinely sweet?" Daycia states "Well I don't know honestly." Zacky shakes his head refusing "No it's not besides you deserve someone who treats you like a queen...I can prove it to you." He requests "Please...I'll prove it right now."

    She thinks of it and asks "Prove it." Zacky leans in and kisses her on the lips. Daycia kisses back with her hands in his black hair gripping it. They let go with their noses touching. Daycia smiles "You were right."

       Finally at Brian's house with him and Francisco in the living room, Francisco muses "I never thought as someone who is so attractive as you could whoop Dean's ass like nothing." Brian jokes "I may look hot and all but I did have a black belt for a reason." Francisco smiles while flirting "I would love for you to teach me some skills." Brian flirts back "Oh don't worry...I got you." Francisco states "When you saved me from Dean, I couldn't help but think if I deserved to get beat up like that."

    When Francisco said that, Brian grabs him to kiss him declaring "You don't deserve to get kicked in the back as if you were a dog." Francisco whispers while looking at him "Do that again." Brian kisses Francisco which turns into a make out session between the both of them on the couch ending the night.

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