Be Our Heroes Part 36

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   The second coaching period is over and the others are waiting on the two shortest lovebirds who are coming from Archery. They arrive on time while holding hands. Jimmy approaches the two yelling "There's my two favorite best friends!" He gives the two lovebirds hugs while questioning "How was Archery?" Johnny tells Jimmy "Well my girlfriend nearly broke someone's arm."

   Jimmy laughs "She did not!" She laughs "I almost did!" Jimmy gasps as he hugs her "I'm proud of you." The sun is blazing hot then Kyonna groans "Guys It's so hot out here!" She takes out her umbrella and opens it quickly before Jimmy snatches it again.

   Jimmy laughs "You got lucky again!" Kyonna ignores him while sticking her tongue at him "Whatever Jimmy!" They wait for everyone to arrive which they all did and they went down to the waterfront for the third coaching period for canoeing. At the lake, Brian asks while rowing the canoe with Francisco "Isn't this romantic?"

   Francisco giggles "Yes it is." Before they kiss, all they hear is the screams and splashes from their friends then a yell from Johnny "Jimmy!". They laugh as they see Jimmy laughing while being splashed by his girlfriend Viviana, Jazmin and her boyfriend Johnny. They go back to the shore by swimming then Zacky giggles "That was awesome!"

   Jimmy looks at the video while laughing "Don't delete the video!" Jazmin groans "Oh My God! I have to witness the terrible fall on video!" They all go to the beach to get dressed for lunch then they leave the waterfront to go to the Dining Hall for lunch. They all go inside the Dining Hall which was cool due the AC being on to see the counselors talking. The gang said their goodbyes to each other and go to their tables.

   Lunch starts with everyone piling in the room next Katie announces "After lunch don't go to the flagpole! Go straight to your cabins for free time!" Lunch starts with food. After lunch, the campers went to their cabins for quiet time next after an hour of quiet hour, they all go to the meadows for the activities. At the meadows, Kyonna sighs romantically while laying on Matt's chest "Isn't this the best senior trip?" Matt smiles while hinting "It is but It's going to get better though."

   Kyonna looks at him "Wait why?" Matt whispers "You know that idea you suggested with the private cabin...just the two of us?" She nods in silence as Matt questions "How would you say that if I got us a private cabin away from here before this trip ends?" Kyonna whispers "What?! don't have to do that." Matt looks at her while holding her hand in the grass "I want to do this for us and since it was your idea...I want to make it special for you."

   She gets off his chest to kiss him on the lips then she states "I really love you so much." She asks "You know which day that this is going to happen?" Matt answers back "Before we leave the camp." Kyonna's cheeks blush as she kiss him "That's going to be special baby." Matt kisses her "Oh will."

   With the others in the playground, Francisco is hanging out with his male friends. Daycia is talking to Brian and Zacky at the swings. Jazmin and Viviana are talking with their boyfriends Johnny and Jimmy at the seesaws. They play for hours until they leave together to go to their cabins to get ready for dinner. At the cabins of the girls, their counselor Morgan speaks "Please wear clothing that will be easily dirty because tonight everyone will be playing paintball!"

   Jazmin cheers "Woo! I'm actually playing this game!" Everybody changes into light clothing for  tonight. Everyone goes to dinner and eat until dinner is over then they all leave to go to the meadows for paintball. At the meadows, Sam told "Before we start, you guys need to be prepared which means the weapons and the gear." People get to choose their weapons and gear.

  In a few minutes, everyone is finished dressing up and have their weapons at their sides. Sam explains "The game works as the rivals try to take down the enemy team to be the last team standing!" The gang get into their positions on the field then a whistle blows which the game start.

   With the paintball game going on in the meadows, Kyonna asks through the headset "Everyone come in!" Viviana's voice comes on the headset " Right here!" Jazmin yells through the headset "Woo! This is fun! Right here next to Daycia!" Daycia agrees "Yep what she said." Kyonna commands through the headset "On my command! We go through these guys!"

  Everyone agrees and waits for the command. Then she alerts "One..Two..Three! Go! Go! Go!" The girls sprints assaulting the guys then the guys fire back taking them out. Sam blows the whistle "The boys win!" The guys celebrate then Matt cheers "I told you Jazmin!"

Jazmin groans in pain "No comment." After that, people play paintball for an hour and a half. They remove the weapons and the gear then they are hosed down in water to get the paint off of them. They leave the meadows to go back to their cabins for shower and sleep for tomorrow. On Saturday Morning, their parents come over then they all go to the meadows to see the counselors play against the parents and teachers.

    Rosa record the parents playing kickball against the counselors then the crowd cheers on the parents and the teachers. Johnny leads a chant along with Jimmy "Fuck them up! Fuck them up!" Everyone follows the chants until Johnny quiets the crowd "Shit! We might be in trouble!" The crowd laughs then Jimmy behind his back shouts "Fuck them up!" The crowd laughs at Jimmy's antics.

   After the game where the parents and the teachers win, They leave the meadows to go to the Dining Hall for lunch next they eat lunch and they go to their cabins. Jazmin asks "What now?" Morgan speaks "Alright change into your swimwear for the waterfront!" Everyone change in their swim attire then they go to the waterfront when they are done.

   At the waterfront with everyone arriving, Matt's dad embarrasses Matt by saying "My son used to talk about you a lot Kyonna when you had a boyfriend." Matt blushes "Dad! Stop! You're embarrassing me in front of my girlfriend!" Kyonna mutters while smiling "No he's not and let's face it on our first date which was in the amusement admitted this...don't lie." Matt sighs then he laughs "Oh right! I actually said that!"

   Matt asks "You're going in the water?" Kyonna nods "Yeah because of something special that they planned on the water." Matt asks "What is it?" Kyonna describes in a adorable manner " know those float things on the water?" Matt shakes his head "No but it was cute watching you describe the rafts Kyonna."

  Kyonna blushes "Aww thanks babe." They both play tag while running to the lake then Jimmy encourages Matt "Get her Matt!" Kyonna gets shoved playfully by Matt into the deep water. Then Kyonna swims towards Matt to kiss him which they kiss in the lake.

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