Chapter 5: Goodbye

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^Yes I know it's from American Horror story I'M SORRY


Everyone here cried they all wore black they all barely knew the struggle she was going through. They only saw me, her potential murderer, the one who could have been hurting her. The one that was slowly killing her the one, that brought her to that point. I had thought of ending myself too, just to get the pain over with, but they would just win. I should just let them win. No I can't but why not? Why because I have to keep living because I have to be strong, stronger than Lavender. She was strong so very strong but she ran out of fuel. I'm out of fuel, but I'm going to push the car. I'm not gonna give up until I find the gas station. To give me a full tank, to give me the will to keep going. I kept wondering how could she do this to me, make me suffer and leave me alone. I wanted to scream, but I just gulped as my face drowned with tears as I stared at the casket that was in the ground, everyone left. I still was there, they began filling the hole. They laid the grass on top and left. As if a precious beautiful girl didn't lay beneath the bed of grass. I fell to my knees and screamed in agony. After a while I was dry of tears and the screams no longer came out I stood up and left the rose with the engagement ring on it, one that I had picked but never had the will power to give her. I walked away slowly it felt like I was finally letting go of her hand. That I used to grip so tightly just to make sure she wouldn't leave me. Once I stepped out the gate it felt like the world stopped crushing me. I looked back one more time just to say my final goodbye.

Thank you all so much for reading this book. This is through a personal experience and some other people I know experience. If you feel like this in any way please seek help 800-273-8255. You are loved and deserved to be loved. I know this chapter is short but it really is just meant to be a goodbye a sense of being able to let go. Although lavender will be on our minds forever we're able to move past their death. To grow and change without them right by our side. Again thank you.

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