Chapter two

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[Slight TW] A hint at suicidal thoughts but a hint none the less stay safe <3

"Careful...careful..." George whispered as he climbed down the rope he made out of his 1000 count 100% cotton bed sheet. He slid over the broken glass and through the smashed open window ceil. He slipped and hissed in pain when a sharp glass edge sliced his shoulder-blade. His grip tightened on the rope and he began back down the side of the castle wall. 

As the ground grew closer and closer, he heard the familiar shuffling of King's men and panicked. Movements much more reckless, George began letting go for moments at a time to slide down the rope.

"Prince?" George heard faintly, head snapping up towards the window he exited out of, "Prince George?!?" Panicked, he lost his grip and let go of the rope, falling onto the ground that was luckily close enough to deal no real damage. After regaining balance, he took off quickly, headed towards the edge of the castle gates and into the town.

"AFTER HIM!" George heard someone yell, this wasn't going to plan.

— A few hours before —

George sat at the massive redwood table, a variety of delicious food spread before him. Yet, despite there being more than enough food to feed every starved mouth in Versial, he found himself dining alone. Empty chairs collected imaginary dust as he stared hopelessly upon them. Although this was typical for George, it still stung deep inside to know he was utterly alone. He moved a carrot around on his plate before letting out a defeated sigh.

"He'll never change will he?" He quietly asked no one in particular, he knew he wasn't going to get a response. George had grown up inside the castle walls and he knew very well how things operated. No one was to speak to him unless told to, leave him alone, meet his gaze, or come into contact with him. 

He couldn't recall the last time someone had held a real conversation with him let alone given him and form of physical touch. These were the Kings orders, and his word was final. Though, things weren't always like this for him, they were better when his mother was still in the picture. He swallowed hard.

Eventually, George stood up, signaling he was finished with his food and ready to return to his room. He had no where else to go but back to his room. That was his life ever since he was eight. Wake up, breakfast, schooling, lunch, more schooling, dinner, sleep, repeat. It was suffocating and George was truly sick of it. Dark thoughts poked his brain and he tried to advert his attention to the markings on the floor.

Guards appeared from the shadows to escort him back, not ever giving him a moment of peace. Sighing again, George simply followed their lead. Two Guards in the front, two behind him if he decided to turn and run. It wouldn't matter though, he wouldn't make it far as there were guards perched in every nook and every cranny. Plus, it wasn't like George was strong enough to take any of them on. He wasn't very built and wouldn't ever have the opportunity to build any strength.

George was week and that's how the King liked him. Unable to attack, unable to defend.

However, this was all going to change tonight. He'd decided he'd rather loose his life attempting to live than sit any longer in this prison of a kingdom. He knew where his father banished his mother too, if he could find her he'd be free. She was the only love he'd ever known and he was old enough now to know better. He knew his father was a corrupt King and he wasn't welcomed in his presence let alone his castle. It only made sense to leave.

Once he'd reached his quarters, the guards opened the door and allowed George to walk inside by himself. They would stay stationed outside his door until dawn, where they'd find his room empty. The stone floor was cold beneath his feet as hurried to his bed.

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