Chapter thirteen

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Dream Pov

He didn't mean to actually fall asleep like that.

The plan was to try to push his limits with George by climbing into the bed with him. He figured George would say something or freak out and he'd try to play it off like a joke. However, George said nothing and fell right asleep. Dream wasn't complaining mind you. George smelt like lilac and the ocean to Dream, and it reminded him of his hometown, and days running in the sand. He liked how small George felt in his arms, so protectable, like a puzzle piece that was slipping into place for the first time.

Dream wasn't sure when, but he had fallen asleep too. He woke up before George did and, sadly, got out of the bed. Though, he was surprised to find Sapnap also awake, and was more surprised to see him sitting on the edge of the other bed watching them. Like he was waiting for something to happen. Dream was confused until he realized he forgotten about one critical thing.

He'd taken off his mask.

"So, after all this time I come to find you have gorgeous green eyes. It's like you want me to fall for you Dream." Sapnap says with no humor in his tone. Dream goes on guard, his emotions had always been his tell and now he couldn't hide that.

"What's your plan Sap." Dream tried to hide the anxiety building in his voice by keeping a dominant stance. If he sat like he didn't expect a fight, maybe one wouldn't break out.

"I've been thinking a lot lately Dream, about our friendship. What it means to me and all that." Sapnap pulled an arm from behind his back and held Dreams cracked mask in his hand.

"Yeah, pal?" Dream replied keeping his eyes on the prize. Unconsciously, he also laid a hand on George. Sapnap noticed though, and held the mask up over his face.

"Answer me this Dream," he paused, "Do him?"

"Yes." He said with no hesitation, but felt the heat rise in his face, "Too much has happened, and I am not too proud to admit. He...he means a lot to me. It's new, and it's scary...but I can't deny how I feel any longer. I won't be telling him though, and I hope you'll do the same. He needs to find his mom...he doesn't need me."

Sapnap lowered the mask and sat with his thoughts for a moment. Dream watched as conflict danced in Sap's mind. He was leaving something out. Dream could tell there was more he wanted to say.

"" Sapnap tossed the mask at Dream, who caught it with one hand, before standing up and walking to the front door, "Meet me downstairs when he's ready to go."

"Sapnap?" Dream got up and reached out a hand.

He paused in the door frame and met Dreams eyes.

"Yknow, I've known you for a long time Dream, but never have I thought you were someone capable of connection. I hope one day you... you and I...." He cut himself off and gave a sad smile, then closed the door behind him. 

Dream looked down at the mask in his hand and wondered what he meant by connection. He knew he was always somewhat distance to those who didn't directly oppose him in his line of work but...

I guess deep down he still considered Sapnap...well...a friend. He thought he felt the same. Maybe all this time, they were just two people trying to get what the wanted from the other.

What did Sapnap stand to gain this time?

George Pov

"Yes" Dream said very quickly, "Too much has happened and I am not too proud to admit."

George fought the urge to make any noise. He was positive they would hear his heart as it kept threatening to leap out his rib cage with how hard it was beating.

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