Chapter twelve

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Sapnap POV

No, at this point he was 99% sure. At first he still had doubts this George was the prince from Versail. Yes, he'd entered with Dream who is one of the top class, if not the top class, bounty hunters out there so it wasn't so unbelievable that he'd be the one to catch the prince. That what Sapnap had thought anyways, but he was unsure. Again, no one knew for sure what the prince looked like and many thought him to be dead anyways, right?

Though, images of the prince at a young age had been leaked when he first disappeared, and Sapnap had looked at that picture so much when he was younger trying to think of what the prince might look like now. It was a school-yard game he played with friends for years! He knew that picture like the back of his hand. Then, after seeing George it was like a light had gone off in the back of his head. He looked too similar to that picture.

Then George said he'd been a servant inside the castle. A servant! Doubt laced like bittersweet candy in his tone as he said it too. Sapnap knew, he just knew this had to be the prince before him! However, there was a bigger problem.

It really seemed like Dream was very unaware of this conclusion Sapnap had come to. It almost seemed, crazy enough, like Dream was in favor of George. Sapnap might be dull at times, but he's not blind.

He was about to be stupid rich though. A grin spread like butter across his lips as Clairvent came into view. A city with people, crowds, and most important of all...guards. A nice breeze was in the air as they crossed into the border, right into Sapnap's trap. They were planning to wear cloaks around so Dream's signature mask wouldn't be pointed out, but at some point Sap was going to get George alone. 

Even if he had 1% of doubt, better to speak up and be wrong right? What harm would it bring him? One lost friend maybe, but whats one friend he never talks to right? Right?

Maybe he could convince Dream to forgive him once he had his payout anyways. Gods was he excited about that payout. 

George POV

He had no idea where to start.

Rushing around the city, eyes as open as they could go, he was drowning in the scenery. Trying his best to take in every second as he passed shop by shop. They'd dawned black cloaks before getting off of Sketchers, so George wasn't too worried about being around these people. He tried to picture his mom laughing at that café or greeting the store keep over there, a smile huge on his lips.

Townsfolk were going about their normal day, completely unaware they were in the presence of royalty. George was never the type to flaunt his power to others, though he suppose he never had the chance to. He was always so ashamed of the title of "Prince," but here, no one knew that. Here, he could be just George.

"Dream! Look!" He pointed at a hidden flora shop tucked away in between two big storefronts, "Let's go there! My mother loved flowers there's no doubt in my mind she wouldn't of visited or worked at least one of these flower shops."

Dream followed after George, determination piling up in their stomachs as they pushed the glass door open and a chime rang. Sapnap silently followed their trail, not making a sound. Dream silently hoped it woudln't be this easy.

"Hello?" A feminine voice called out, a hint of an accent on her tongue, "Be there in just one moment! Please wait!" Dream's stomach dropped. Oh god, he thought, don't let it be this easy.

George was too busy looking at all the different plants to mind having to wait. He wished he could slow everything down to appreciate it's beauty for just another second. He was repeating the different species of flora in his head when movement flashed from the back of the store.

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