Chapter ten

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TW: mentions of death/killing/murder :) stay safe !!

Krokan was something out of a book George had read in one of the many library's the castle had once. While he grew up with servants who did everything for him, these people were barely hanging on. 

Doors hanging off the hinges, windows with holes taped over, and grime in ever crevice could be seen with each glance in any direction. Though, George liked it. It wasn't like home at all. He saw children with mud on their faces, torn clothing, no shoes, running around like it was paradise. 

He tried to keep his thoughts on the new city, or small town more like it, that they'd approached on and not on Dream. He watched as the tall blonde searched for something, or someone, and then followed him as he took off into a pub called "The Midnight Blues."

Nervous as he followed behind Dream, George wanted to turn around and wait outside immediately after entering through the wooden doors. This may be a small no big deal town, but these people could still recognize him. Maybe an ex-guard with a need for cash, eager to turn him in or an ex-house maid that put two and two together from the young pictures of him that almost everyone knew of. He stopped fidgeting when he heard someone call Dreams name out.

"Heya cowboy." Dream said, a smirk in his tone. "I like the place you got here, way different from the last time I visited. Though, it still needs some upgrades."

"What's up you masked bastard! Come here!" A man with a scruffy face and a cowboy hat rushed to Dream and embraced him. Utter confusion filled George.

"Get off me loser." Dream laughed and lightly pushed the man away. Okay, so maybe this was Dreams older brother. George was convinced this time seeing as last time with Tubbo he was way off. They had the same accent and maybe not similar features but...

"Is this your older brother?" George asked feeling confident. He wanted to know who he was to Dream.

The pair started laughing uncontrollably, and George's face flushed in embarrassment. He could feel the other strangers in the pub's gazes. The man waved them to follow him after wiping a tear off his face from laughing so hard. He led them to a back room and they sat down at a creaky table.

"I'm Sapnap, and no I'm not Dream's older brother nor am I older than Dream. He wishes he had a hot younger brother like me though. I'm 19." He held his hand out to shake George's, but he was in shock.

"You're younger than me?!" He gasped and looked toward Dream for a slight second. He then realized he didn't know how old Dream was either...

"If you're wondering how old I am, it's 21. I'm not a child like this guy." Dream playfully bumped Sapnap on the shoulder and they started up laughing again.

"Well...I'm um George. I'm 23." He introduced and held his hand out to shake Sapnaps.

"Nice to meet you, um George." He started snickering again.

"Go easy on him, Sippycup." Dream shot back playfully.

"Okay Mr. throwback to when I some how managed t-"

"AHHHHH- NO! No Sapnap! Too far." Dream clamped a hand over Sapnap's mouth as he struggled to get what get wanted out. The cowboy started chuckling and waved Dream off, turning his attention back to George.

"What brings you to Krokan? Nothing good I assume. Seeing as nothing good goes on in these parts." Sapnap's smile disappear and he eyed George with distrust. George felt so small under his gaze, like he was some villain about to be turned in if he said the wrong thing.

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