Chapter eight

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[TW: Mentions of having/having had panic attacks, spiraling]

(Please read authors note at the end of the chapter <3)

George POV

They'd been walking for some time, following this Tommy person. George wasn't sure if he was nervous to finally be escaping this corrupt kingdom, or because Dream had calmed him down in the house earlier. He felt butterflies raging inside his chest, making him want to throw up. He understood Dream's reasoning for doing it, and he appreciated that he did. George just didn't understand why he wished it lasted longer than it had.

Sighing, he kept his eyes on the pavement before him, feet stepping rhythmically one after the other. His heart felt heavy and his mind was cluttered with so many conflicting thoughts. The fact that Dream had been so harsh after Tommy showed up was dwelling on him too. After being almost too kind during his panic attack, Dream suddenly turned back into the cold-plodded murderer George knew him as. He felt a tinge bit saddened by this.

Now they were on their way to pick up Tubbo, who George was okay with. He seemed like a good kid while Tommy on the other hand, was a little all over the place. They walked down the street toward a destination George had no idea of. 

The group approached a still-lit bakery or cafe of sorts, George didn't really know what one looked like as all his meals were placed directly in front of him, but he assumed it had to be one of those. Before he could get a good look inside, Dream whispered shouted at Tommy about not stepping a foot into the bakery. The curiosity of seeing something new was eating at the back of George's thoughts, as he almost felt inclined to ask if he could join Tommy inside. Though, he wouldn't even get the chance before Dream's hand grabbed his, and began pulling him across the street and into a side alleyway.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" George shouted out of reflex, he hated be out of no where touched and, even more so, pulled around. Suddenly, Dream's hand was clasped over Georges mouth and nose, cutting off both his oxygen and means of letting out noise. It caused his heart to race, threatening another panic attack. He nodded quickly, showing he understood why Dream did it and that he would remain quite.

After the hand was removed, he watched as Dream looked out around the corner. Slowly, George got closer to Dream to take a look at the cafe too. His eyes connected with the building, then the people inside and once his mind focused and brought a face into view, he spiraled.

Why was Bad here?

It was like he was back in the castle again, and back in that hallway being pushed away. Rejected by the only friend he knew. 

His mind flooded with thoughts, all overlapping one another as the rest of the world was drowned out. His eyes could suddenly only see Bad, sitting at some table with some people, laughing and smiling. Look how happy he was! Look at how not miserable and desperate for attention he was! Look at all his friends. George couldn't breathe. A thought began to get louder and louder as he struggled to remember how to inhale.

Bad knows I'm here. He's going to take me away. He's going to find me and take me away. He's going to take me to my Father, and he'll kill me. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going t-

Then pinecones and vanilla flooded his senses and his view of Bad was being blocked by a sea of green meadows and wooded forest. Then, he felt a pair of lips connect with his own, his skin getting scratched by the stubble Dream had been growing from the lack of shaving. It was quick and pathetic but served its purpose of kicking George out of his head.

And It had been his first kiss.

They're eyes met, and Tommy suddenly reappeared with Tubbo at his side. He said something that George couldn't make out because he was lost in his own world again, except this time it wasn't related to Bad, the castle, or his rubbish father.

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