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Geonu - Geonu-yaa. Lets enjoy it

Jungwon - Jungwon-ah~Since we've been working hard until now, let's have fun and work hard to overcome all of them and make our debut! Fighting!!!

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Jungwon - Jungwon-ah~
Since we've been working hard until now, let's have fun and work hard to overcome all of them and make our debut! Fighting!!!

Jungwon - Jungwon-ah~Since we've been working hard until now, let's have fun and work hard to overcome all of them and make our debut! Fighting!!!

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Youngbin - Youngbin,
Don't worry too much because you're doing well and le's be more confident.

Heeseung - Heeseung,Don't forget the beginning and your dream

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Heeseung - Heeseung,
Don't forget the beginning and your dream. Let's have fun with both tension and relaxation.


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