Romance (CLOSED)

233 14 3

Judge: rallydeli

1. Love Hurts, Doesn't It by OluwaSijuwomi

2. Pursuit by sonjaebersole

3. Sushi and Sea lions by RCorsini

4. Red by CL2121

5. 'Who are we fooling?' by WendiBDennison

6. The Fatal Crush by sorenavit

7. To win her heart by TwoTowers15

8. My body guard and I by MaySkyfire

9. She by psycho_girlie

10. The Ruins We Cherish by AshlynForge

Judge: imaginingaddict

1. A Perfect Match by 802TNTexplosion

2. Changing winds by ashdrols

3. Perfect destiny by mebooklover25

4. The Azure by depressed_book_worm

5. Once of a kind by Tulika2002

6. Upgraded by nikkiforever13

7. Coffee, tea? Or me? By SkyJWright

8. My Billionaire Cure by Selenabanford

9. Serotonin by ilovetowriteromance

10. Between the redwoods by Sydneycl2050

If you don't see your name here 48 hours after acceptance PM this account!

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