(3)Cafeteria Guy

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Its been two days and Junkook hasn't talked to me he didn't even text me.Was it because I am friends with Taehyung.I feel really sad although some people ignored me but it never effected me this much.He just ignored me without any reason.

"Y/N you are too concentrated on the lecture,you are giving me Taehyung vibes"Jennie whispered.

"Huh?...Oh..yea"I replied.

Actually I was lost in my thoughts. Suddenly the bell rung and it was time for lunch.I felt really sad but Taehyung made me laugh a lot.


I went to get my lunch tray.I grabbed it without looking.Just as I was about to walk away I heard someone yell.

"HEY !someone stole my food,FOOD STEALER" someone yelled at me.

I turned around and saw a tall and handsome guy looking back furiously at me.I looked down at the lunch tray and saw chicken and cold noodles.

WAIT i didn't get this .... oh no ... I looked at him with a panic stricken face ..damn ...now what...I handed him the tray picked mine up and rushed toward the table where Jennie and Taehyung were sitting.

The whole cafeteria was looking at me.. it was so awkward..and i felt so embarrassed. I didn't even look back at that guy again but his face looked familiar.

Taehyung and Jennie were joking non stop about this Incident and I felt like a fool.


I was entering the class defeated...this day cant get worse.. I am 10 minutes late...I heard a very familiar voice saying

"Class as the teacher is absent me being the good class second monitor I am, I'll be taking-"

I looked up and made eye contact with the second monitor and i was petrified it was the CAFETERIA GUY... just great...out of reflex both of us shouted at each other at the same time

"YOU" we both said."You FOOD STEALER." he said ...... "You cafeteria guy"I blurted.

I just went to my seat without saying anything more.As I sat down Taehyung and Jennie started laughing again.

"Will you guys cut the cackle,its starting to annoy me"I answered them.

the guy started to speak...

"As I was saying.. I am gonna help you write the notes today .. before we start there are few rules you NEED to follow"

"only I can talk during this class"

"only I am allowed to eat food during class"

"And stop starring at my handsome face ... i know I'm good looking."

To say I was speechless was an understatement.

"Hey! Tae why don't you do the work instead of THAT guy,you are the first monitor after all." I said.

"Nah I'd rather not do the manual work" Taehyung replied while writing the notes.

I felt a sharp gaze on me.I turned my head and saw Jungkook. Our eyes met for like 3 seconds and then he looked away.Why is he ignoring me like this.


I was headed to library to study that Park Jimin gave me too much homework and I had to learn Korean with the help of so many books.

I was studying for like an hour.I went to the book shelf to take the book recommended to me by Jimin. The book was placed too high I couldn't reach it I stretched my arm but no luck.Suddenly I felt someone take the book.

"Here" a guys voice said.

I looked up to thank him but my face scrunched up... it was the CAFETERIA GUY...I just stared at him with a questioning look.

"I'm sorry we meet at the wrong time , let me introduce myself.My name is Kim Seokjin but you can call me Jin" he said

"Oh my name is Y/N.Sorry its partly my fault" i said

"Yea but I was kinda rude the thing is I get angry when I am hungry"Jin replied.

"I didn't think you were the type to say 'sorry' you sounded a bit narcissist at school " I said without thinking.

"Look Y/N there is a difference between being narcissist and being confident" he replied.

"Haha ....by the way what are you doing in the library?I asked.

"I'm not the second monitor in class for no reason, of course I was studying." Jin replied.

I hung out with Jin for some time he was a very funny guy.Most of his Dad jokes were not that funny but I still laughed because of his windshield wiper laugh.


I was sitting at the dinning table eating dinner when my father suddenly starts speaking

"Son how is your training classes going?"

"Its fine"I replied

Most parents would ask how school is going but what my dad usually ask is how did my training go.They teach me how to use a gun,shooting aiming,human psychology and other tactics.Basically everything I need to know to inherit my fathers business,if it can be even called that.

My father is actually a very famous business man he owns an IT company thats how he portrays it from the outside but from the inside this company has a really dark working.

I usually tell people that my dad is a mafia leader because I don't want them to bother me but its really the same my dad is almost as bad as a mafia.

My dad also does illegal business like drug dealing etc alongside with the IT company.I really don't want this future tho my dad is well off.

This lifestyle has caused me so many problems. I lost my mom because one of my dads enemy killed her as a revenge.

I was so lost and furious I was only five back then.I hated everything and everyone. I had trust issues with almost everyone. Thats when I met him my only friend whom I have lost.Because i didn't want him to have the same fate as my mom.

I usually don't have trouble ignoring people until I met Y/N strangely I felt comfortable around her.She wasn't even scared of me.I find it difficult to ignore her.I don't want to hurt her thats why I have to distance myself from her and see her from afar.

"Your teacher told me that you are not practicing your aiming,can't you even shoot properly I have spent a lot of time in this underground business of mine and I won't let it down because my son is a weakling" my dad said interrupting my thoughts.

I was exasperated at his word my whole life is ruined because of him.After all I went through and he still says I am a weakling.I slammed my fork on the table and stood up as i shouted at him

"I don't want this illegal business of yours,do u even consider me as YOUR SON you destroyed my life,I cant even be close to anyone because of you. I'm surprised that I haven't been killed by the millions of people you have offended.EVEN MOM DIED-"

The next second i felt a sharp stinging sensation on my right cheek.Yes my dad slapped me.I was so infuriated that I ran out of my house ......

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