Chapter 7

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Yami POV

The next day, I wake up early and run to Yugi's house. It's been forever since we walked to school together and I'd like to do it. "Bye Joey," Yugi yells as he runs out of the house right into me for the second time in the last twenty four hours.

"Oh, hi Yami," Yugi says happily. I smile at him. I shouldn't be lying to him. I mean, yeah he has me but I don't have him. I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't stop. I need Yugi.

"Hi, Aibou," I tell him and he giggles.

"Are we back to, 'Yami walks Yugi to school for his protection' again," Yugi asks with a smirk. My face goes bright red. During middle school, Yugi would get bullied a lot so I would walk him to and from school so that nobody beat him up. Yugi got quite annoyed with it after a while and began running from me after school. That my friends, was comedy.

"No. We've come to 'Yami walks Yugi to school because of love'," I retort and both of our faces go bright red. "Um... Um I didn't mean to say that out loud."

Yugi laughs. "I know you didn't but that's okay. I mean, we are soul mates," he says with that smile that just makes your heart melt.

"Yeah. Yugi, want to go out again," I ask. "After five?" Yugi smiles up at me and nods. Why, oh, why is he so cute? 

"Yami, can you stop staring at me like I'm a puppy," my soul mates asks. I blush and nod my head in shame. Why can't I be a normal human being for once in my life?!

short... again. Sorry. I just wanted to get another one out there!

Thank you for reading! 

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