Cannibalistic Ducks

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London, 1874
~13 years old~

Will Herondale, and Jem Carstairs walked through Hyde Park one afternoon. Will was on the scout for cannibal ducks.


"Will don't be ridiculous, there's no such thing as cannibal ducks." Said Jem in an exasperated voice.

"James, my dear friend, there is and I will prove it to you." Said Will determinately.

Will grabbed a poultry pie out of the kitchen, and set out of the institute, dragging his silver haired companion with him, in search for the blood thirsty little beast.


As the neared the pond in the park Will handed the pie to Jem, and went and perched up on a rock out of the ducks reach. Shaking his head, and laughing lightly at his friends antics, Jem set the pie down on the ground and stepped back allowing the small Milliards to come up to the pie.

The duck walked around the pie, and looked at it curiously, and with a slightly quack started eating. Soon there were many devouring the pie.

Will jumped up on his rock he was perched on through the whole ordeal, and shouted, "I told you there were cannibals. Just look at them, eating their own kin!"

Jem looked at Will, and sighed, raising his hands in surrender to Will. "I guess they are slightly cannibalistic, but I don't see them as dangerous." And with that Jem started walking away from the ducks back towards the park, leaving Will with the ducks.

Will jumped up, and ran as fast as he could to catch up to Jem, yelling, "How dare you try to sacrifice me to the devil spawn!", jumping up, and tackling Jem to the ground.

Later that night both boys walked into the institute dirty, and muddy from rough housing, and wrestling around in the park.

Expecting Charlotte to scold them for getting dirty they crept upstairs towards their rooms, only to walk straight into Charlotte.

She looked back and forth between the two boys, and shook her head fondly, and simply stated, "Go get cleaned up before dinner." Before walking away.

The boys looked at each other surprised, and then started grinning, knowing that she was simply happy that they were getting along,


Please leave feedback on what you guys think about this. What are some good ideas for some other fond memories of the boys. I want to do that parabatai ritual soon, I think that would be a good one. What do you all think?

Comment thoughts please!!!!!

Later, Jordana

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