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AUTHORS NOTE: sorry for the crappy video, but I needed this song for this story. Hope you all enjoy.

Will Herondale was in his fathers study, again, even though his father gave him strict orders to stay out of there.

He was looking for something, anything to tell him who those men were, the ones that come to his house every three years and ask if he wants to leave with them. He always says no, of course, but he is curious about them.

When he asked his father, Edmund, had just scuffled, and brushed off his question, and he did the same to his sisters when they asked.

So now here he was rummaging through his fathers desk draws for answers, anything at all.

Will pulled over a drawer, and started moving things out of it, and setting them on the desk, until his fingers ran over a small edge in the bottom of the drawer.

Will moved everything out of the drawer and found a small opening. He opened it, and found a secret compartment in the drawer, in it was a silver dagger with a pattern of herons on the hilt, the same birds that were on his family ring he'd gotten on his birthday, a things that looked like a metal rod, and a small box with a snake biting its own tail on the top.

Will picked up the box, and set it on the desk. He toyed with the clasp and it came open, just then a black mist came out of the box, and had glowing red eyes. It slowly materialized into a figure that was blue, scaly, and lizard like.

Will screamed.

Suddenly, Ella, Will's older sister, burst into the office with a sword that had a glow to it. She got between Will and the demon, and said "I banish you, now leave and never return."

The demon laughed evilly, and gave her a nasty sneer, "Silly Nephilm, you can't banish me." And then he struck her with his tail sending her rolling, and she stopped and looked at the demon with fearful eyes from where she laid on the floor.

The demon then turned to Will, and said " I curse you. Anyone who loves you will die, and I'll start with her.", the Demon pointed at Ella, and then Vanished.

Ella scrambled to her feet, and caught Will before he passed out and hit the floor hard, and she put him to bed. Later telling her parents it was only a childish fever that had him in bed.


The Next Morning Will woke to the blood curtailing screen of his mother. He jumped out of his bed, and ran to where he heard her in Ella's room, screaming and crying.

They tried to keep Will from seeing what was inside, but he saw. He saw someone who didn't even resemble his beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed sister, this person was darkly bruised and disfigured.

Will turned away, remember what the demon said " Everyone who loves you will die, and I'll start with her."

Will ran into his farther a study removed the dagger with the heron patterned hilt from its drawer, and ran away from home. Not looking back in fear that he would go back home, and end up killing them, His father, his mother, and his baby sister.

He never looked back, he ran until he collapsed with exhaustion.

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