one |it's all fun and games till someone gets decked|

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Nothing good happens after midnight, so when I was woken up by a phone call at two in the morning, I knew it wouldn't end well. 

I rummaged through my silk covers to find the small device until I finally found it under a pillow. I flipped it open, pressing it to my ear. "Hello?" My groggy, sleepy voice asked. I heard panting as if someone was gasping for air, making me sit up straighter. I raised an eyebrow, and was about to check who had called me, when someone spoke. 

"V? Veronica? It's Spencer!" His voice cracked, and my eyes went wide, "I need you to come get me. Like... right now" he basically was begging, making me jump out of my bed. I flicked on the lights, flinching at the brightness. 

I hissed, "Pen? What happened?" I questioned, rummaging around my room to find my keys. I grabbed a coat, putting it on as I slid a pair of slippers on. I saw my keys on my counter, snatching them up. 

Spencer Reid, my best friend since we were four years old. We were together almost all the time, whether it be doing homework in the library, sit in my room and chill out, or just going out to see a movie. 

We were basically related, ass and underwear if you will. 

He was still panting, "After school today I got tied to the tree behind the gym," He revealed as he started, "I just got out but they're chasing me, could you..." He had to stop his words for a moment, "Could you come get me? I'll be at the corner of Smith and Valley View in a few moments" He told me. 

He sounded so nonchalant about the situation that it took me a moment to realize the severity of the words Spencer had just spewed from his lips. I blinked as I paused and shook my head quickly, trying to comprehend what I just said. "Did you just say you got tied to a tree?" 

"Ronnie can you just come get me!" He pleaded. I opened my window, 

"I'm coming!" I ensured, and then I hung up. I let my makeshift ladder down to the ground as, climbing down it quickly. 

It had been there for the past three years, mainly because I needed a way to sneak out at night. 

I unlocked my car, jumping into it as fast as I could. Shoving my keys into the ignition, I slammed on the gas and sped off. Spencer was bullied a lot, and I felt horrible for him. For some reason, even though I was with him 24/7, I was never made fun of. Ever. It felt like everyone was scared of hurting my feelings. 

I ran a red light, honestly not giving a shit. No one was around, and even if there was, my father was the sheriff. What was he going to do, ground me? I looked around as I reached the center of town, the only thing lighting it up was the lamps dim hew. Scanning the scene, I saw a figure behind a lamppost. I then saw three other figures, running towards it, and that's when I realized it was my best friend. 

I honked the horn aggressively, and the three boys got scared and jumped. The lone figure rushed towards my car, almost ripping the door open. He slid inside, slamming the door behind him. He slammed the dashboard, "Drive!" He yelled, and I kicked the gas. 

"What the hell happened?" I asked, examining him. 

He was a wreck, his longish hair was a mess, his face and clothes covered in dried dirt. "It happened when you left school" He told me. I narrowed my eyes. 

"So let me get this straight. I left after school, and then a bunch of guys tied you to a tree? And then you stayed there till 2 in the morning?" He nodded, and then I sighed. "Only you" I said. He was still breathing heavy as he leaned against the back of the seat. 

"Yeah, I know" 

It only took me about five minutes to get home, pulling into the driveway. The two of us got out of the car and we looked at the home. I felt my stomach turn as I noticed every light in my house was on. "Oh, no..." I let out. The two of us exchanged looks, and we hurried into the house. Once they entered, we saw my parents sitting in the dining room, with one of my brothers, George, standing behind them. They did not look pleased, in fact, they looked like they were about to explode. "Hey, guys" I shot them a sheepish grin, not really knowing what to say to my two angry parents.

"Where were you running off to at two in the morning, young lady?" my father asked, right before Spencer spoke up.

"I put myself in a really bad, embarrassing situation. I called her and I told her I really needed her to come pick me up" He blurted. There was silence, but my mother finally spoke. 

"That was very nice of you to save Spencer, Ronnie. But Spencer, would you please stop putting yourself in these situations? It's the third time this month" She said, and Spencer nodded.

"I know, I'm sorry" He apologized. My father gestured to the stairs, letting us know that he wanted us in my room. We followed his orders, and halfway up the stairs I yawned. "I'm sorry I woke you up" He said again, this time directed at me. I put my hand on his shoulder as we reached the top of the staircase,

"It's okay as long as you let me go to bed as soon as I hit it" He chuckled, nodding.


I yawned as I sat in my math class, staring at the clock. There was only ten seconds left, and I poked my bottom lip with my tongue as I watched the red hand reach the twelve. The bell rang, and every student started packing up their things. 

I was the first one out the door, trying to get to my only interesting class of the day. Science. 

It was the one of the only classes I had with Spencer other than PE, which was honestly dreadful. I stopped by my locker where Spencer and I would usually meet, putting in the combination. It opened, and I replaced my math notebook with my science. I took my messenger bag out too, hanging it over my shoulder. I narrowed my eyes as I heard a bunch of guys laughing, peaking behind my locker door to see what was going on. 

"You don't have to do this" It was Spencer, backing up with his hands out trying to defend himself. In front of him was Aaron Hotchner and his best friend Dave Rossi, laughing as they stepped closer to him. I slammed my locker shut and hurried closer to them, pulling my mini skirt down a little. 

Aaron smirked, "I think we do" 

Aaron Hotchner was the epitome of a class A dipshit. He was the biggest asshole I had ever met in my entire 17 years of living on this earth. 

I couldn't fucking stand him. 

"Get away from him, Aaron" I ordered, and he looked right up at me. His eyes lit up, he was overly excited that I had shown up. 

"Ah, isn't it the Veronica Gordon. What brings you here on this fine day?" I rolled my eyes.

"You have more dick in your personality then in your pants, Aaron Hotchner" I spat, stepping in front of a helpless Spencer. Aaron scoffed, his shit eating grin growing as he leaned closer to me. I clenched my fist

"You want to be the judge of that, Gordon?" He joked, so I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and decked him. 

Why had I done that? Because I'd been wanting to do that for the past four years. 

I heard someone gasp as Aaron grabbed his nose, looking up at me with anger and annoyance. The fury in his eyes was noticeable, and I could see the blood rushing through his fingers. I glanced down at my hand, shocked by my own actions. 

"Miss. Gordon, Mr. Hotchner! My office, now" We all heard, turning to see who it was. 

There stood Headmaster Donahue, steam fuming from her ears as she stormed towards her office. Spencer and Dave were just staring at us as we reluctantly followed close behind. 

What the hell did I just get myself into? 

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