seven |nancy drew, but make her hot and brunette|

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I shoved my now finished homework into my bag, leaning back in my chair as I let out a breath. I had finally completed all nine assignments, and I finally got a chance to chill out and relax. I was about to shut my eyes, when I heard,

"Veronica, sweetie! Someone's here for you!" I furrowed my brows,

"Huh? It's super late!" I called back,

"I'm sending them up!" She told me, ignoring the second part of my statement, which made me look around my room to make sure it was clean. As soon as I realized I was in the clear, I turned to see who was at in my doorway. There stood a nervous Derek Morgan, wearing his letterman jacket and a white tee shirt, which was tucked into his jeans. They were held up by a belt, and he was smiling at me sheepishly.

I raised an eyebrow, "Derek?" I was noticeably confused, "It's like... almost eleven o'clock, what are you doing here?" He walked into my room and shut my door quietly, and when he finished he rushed over to me. His sheepish grin disappeared and his eyes were wide.

"You've got to help me, Giggles" He begged, dropping to his knees. He folded his hands together, and I watched him like he was a crazy old man. "I need help getting into the school, and you and boy wonder are like... the smartest people I know. Please, man. You've got to help me"

"Derek, chill out" I ordered, looking down at him, "I'll help you, but why?" He looked so relieved, he got up and crossed his arms, walking over to my bed.

"I uh..." He was hesitant to answer, "I let something illegal in my locker, and the schools looking through everyones tomorrow morning right before school starts" He revealed.

Sighing, I picked up my phone. I started trying to find Emily's phone number, and he noticed, "If you're calling either Emily or Jenn, I already did it. They'll probably be here soon" I narrowed my eyes.

"Were you expecting me to say yes?" We just exchanged looks.

"Yeah, actually. You seem to be down for anything" I sighed,

"I'll call Spence and Penelope" And so I did. I told them to come over to my house, to wear dark clothing. I also had to tell Diane that Spencer was helping me study all night, she loved me, she believed everything that came out of my mouth.

I walked towards my closet in search of clothes to change into, "So, why do you never talk to people?" I peaked out from behind my closet door, 


He shrugged as I started looking for clothes again, "Like, you only talked to Spencer before that day in detention, but you're really funny and people would really like you. Why don't you have more friends" I accidentally let out a laugh.

Picking up my slightly large mom jeans that I basically never wore, I started to slide them on under my nightgown. "I hate everyone" I replied, "I know it sounds stupid, but think about it. Do you really like anyone in this horrible town? They're either pretending to be your friend because they want something for you, or they pretend to hate you because they're jealous" I snatched a white turtleneck and a black crewneck, taking my nightgown off in order to put it on. 

I shoved them into my jeans, taking the belt that was hanging and I slid it on. "Well, I mean. I like you guys" he admitted. I finally left my closet, and he examined me. 

"Even Aaron?" I raised an eyebrow, and he nodded with his perfect smile. 

"Yep, even Aaron. He adds a wow factor to the group" He pointed out, and I sat down at my desk. I grabbed my eyeliner and mascara, "Emily's going to really dig that outfit" He said,

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