six |being smart blows|

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I stared at myself in the mirror in the bathroom, my lips pursed as I thought about what to do. 

I couldn't believe I did that, I could not believe I dumped a fucking milkshake on Aaron Hotchner head. 

I mean, he did deserve it. And even if it was well deserved, what the hell was wrong with me? I would have never done that on a normal day, but I mean I guess this wasn't a really normal day. 

"Ronnie?" I heard, snapping out of it to turn my head. There stood JJ, who looked concerned. I pushed my hair behind my shoulder, shooting her a fake tight lipped grin. 


"What you did out there was sick" She admitted, walking closer to me. I tilted a head a little and raised both my brows. 

"Yeah, I guess you could say that" 

She could tell I wasn't thrilled by my actions, "V, he deserved it. That rumor him and his bitch girlfriend started was so disgusting" I shook my head and crossed my arms, leaning on one of the schools sinks. 

"Yeah, trust me I know. But what if everyone thinks I'm crazy now? What is Haley going to do when she finds out, make another worse rumor?" I thought the worst, and she put her hand on my arm. 

"Even if she does, we've got your back. Me, Emily, Spencer, Penelope. Even Derek, he really likes you. We all do, we want the best for you even if that total douche bag doesn't" This time I let a real small smile appear on my face. 

I then hugged her, which was so out of character for me. She hugged me back though, "Thank you" I muttered. She nodded. 

"Of course" 


I sat in the library, looking down at my notes trying to prepare for the stupid lab that was coming up. Spencer was supposed to be meeting me soon, so I had my headphones on connected to my Sony Walkman. 

However, Nirvana was rudely interrupted by someone ripping the headset off of me. My head shot up angrily, and when I saw who was sitting on the opposite side of the table, I was ready to throw my textbook at him. 

A worried Aaron Hotchner, staring directly at me. My nostrils flared as I tried to calm myself down, holding my breath so I didn't start screaming in the middle of the library. 

I snatched my headset from him, shooting him the deadliest glare I could. "What." 

"I need you to help me" He begged, and I clenched my teeth. 

"Why the fuck would I do that" I whispered back, furiously. He was bouncing a bit, anxiously looking around to make sure no one was watching us. His eyes landed back on me, pursing his lips together. 

He obviously did not want to be doing this, "I'm going to stay back if I fail Chemistry, Mr. B said you tutor people in class" He stopped to examine my facial expression,

I then scoffed, "Getting rid of you sooner? Finally" I was referring to the fact that he would no longer be in my grade, and I started doing my homework again, 

"Veronica please, tutor me. I'll... I'll pay you!" 

"I don't need money, trust me" 

"I'll do anything... I'll..." He bit his lip, putting his head in his hand, "I'll tell everyone Haley lied to me about you stalking on me," This peaked my interest, so I looked back up at him. 

"You're willing to jeopardize your relationship with your girlfriend of four years to pass this class" He took his head away from his head. 

He was looking me up and down, "Yeah, yeah I am. I need to get the hell out of this town as soon as possible. Plus, she's a bitch, anyway" 

I was really shocked by his words. He didn't even like his girlfriend that he's been with for four years? How do you just casually not like someone but date them for that long? 

"Why do you need to leave the town so bad?" 

"That doesn't matter. I need to know you'll help me" 

I thought for a moment, "Only if you tell everyone Haley lied" 

"Deal" He started getting up, grabbing his bag. 

I couldn't believe I agreed to help him, "You'll be rumor free by tomorrow morning" He ensured, and then he walked away. I just stared directly in front of me, trying to comprehend everything that had just happened. 

Being smart fucking sucks, if I wasn't I wouldn't have to tutor his dumb ass. But I mean, I guess it kind of worked. I got to dump a milkshake on him, and the entire school will be okay with me by tomorrow. I felt like it was a win win, honestly. 

Sure, I hated him, but I got to at least be left alone by everyone. 

"Dude, what was Aaron doing over here?" I glanced up, seeing a confused Spencer. I shook my head, starting to put my headphones back on. 

"Don't worry about it, it's taken care of" I ensured, starting up my chemistry homework once again. 

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