two |detention, but make it interesting|

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The headmaster scoffed as she looked at the two of us, "What would posses you to punch him in the face, Veronica?" I sat straighter, my hands in my lap as I pursed my lips.

Shaking my head, I said, "He wouldn't leave Spencer alone, he was going to beat him up and I didn't want to see it happen again" I responded. Aaron was still holding tissues to his bleeding nose. It wasn't broken, but if he pulled another stunt, I'd make sure it was.

"Both of you, Saturday detention" I sighed, scratching the top of my head. "You're dismissed" Aaron looked at her like she was insane,

"What about my nose?" She ignored him for a moment, writing something down on a piece of paper.

Not looking at him, she still spoke. "It'll stop"

I smirked, and then Aaron and I exchanged looks. I stood up, walking out of the office. I hadn't cared that I got a Saturday detention, I had gotten at least six before this.

"What happened?" I heard, making me turn my head a little. There stood Spencer, hugging his books closer to his chest. I shrugged,

"We got Saturday detention, nothing too crazy" I said, and the two of us started walking down the hall. He smiled,

"Hey, we've got it together" I raised my eyebrow at his shocking words, looking at him funny. But he seemed serious, "Yeah... I got it for having too many books out from the library for too long. I tried to hide a laugh, but I accidentally let it out.

Shaking my head, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, "Not surprised, Reid. Not surprised"

The next day was Saturday, and I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose as I examined myself in the mirror. "It's just Saturday detention, why are you wearing cute clothes?" I rolled my eyes at Spencer's words, turning to see what he was doing.

He was just sitting on my bed with his legs criss crossed, he was staring at me.

"You never know who'll be there. What if it's like, my soulmate or something?" Spencer started to laugh at my words, and I let a small frown slip. I turned back to look in the mirror, making sure I looked alright. "Don't be a dick" I said to him.

I fixed the collar that popped out from under my dark Ralph Lauren polo crewneck, pulling down my pleaded black shirt a little. "It looks cute! I'm just saying it's a Saturday detention, not a day at the mall" I grabbed one of the pillows off of my bed and threw it at him, making him yelp.

"Yeah well someone won't come to the mall with me ever, so I've got to wear those outfits somewhere else" I called him out, making him shoot me a tight lipped smile. I nodded, both my eyebrows raised, "Yeah, you can't even say anything, you know I'm right" He got up, holding his hand out for me to take,

"Ready for five hours of hell?" I took it,

"Absolutely" I responded, and we walked out of my bedroom. 


We entered the building, instantly seeing Mr. Roberto standing in front of the library. He smiled when he saw us, "Good morning guys!" He was his cheery self, per usual.

"Morning Mr. Rob" Spencer and I chorused at the exact same time.

He crossed his arms, the grin on his face only growing, "You ready for five hours of sitting still and doing basically nothing?" I chuckled at his sarcasm, shaking my head.

"I think you just answered your own question" He laughed, and then he opened the doors to the book filled room. We entered it, examining the scene in front of us. Six others were sitting around at different tables, all doing their own things. The two of us exchanged looks, and then we made our way to one of the tables. We got situated, me taking out a book and Spencer taking out his homework for the weekend. 

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