Luffy x reader - Family part 1

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Luffy x cursed reader
Long short story - May have many parts
Picture, credit to artist


Huffing out gasps of air you quickly jumped over the rails of a ship. It was early morning with the sky still being dark and the water reasonably still. You had just finished swimming from the nearest island after seeing this ship docked away from the shores. You presumed from the flag on the top of the mast, that this was a pirate ship. You hoped that you could hide somewhere and be a stowaway till the next island.

Just as you were about the take a step forward, you sensed a presence above you causing you to quickly jump back just as a figure dropped to the ground in front of you holding a sword toward you.

"Who are you and what are you doing on this ship." A deep voice called out to you, still holding the sword a few cm from your neck in case you were to attack. Knowing there was no possible way for you to hide away unnoticed now you decided to bargain.

"Who is the leader here?" You spoke in a calm voice, showing your enemy you weren't fazed by the sword at all.

"Why would I show an intruder where my captain is? You can't seriously think I would endanger my Nakamas lives like that?" The deep voice replied, by this point you had gathered that this was indeed a male and by the amount of chills he gave off, you knew he was powerful.

"If you don't bring me to your captain or your captain to me, this intruder will sink and kill everyone on this ship. So I suggest you allow this intruder to talk to your captain if you don't want to see your Nakama die." You softly growled out to the male swordsman in front of you. By this time the sun was now rising so you were able to identify more about him.

That also meant you could see the flag and know what pirate ship this was.

The Straw-hats pirate ship the thousand sunny.... perfect


For over half an hour now you and the greens haired swordsman have been having a staring contest as to who would move first. You found this incredibly boring and was just staring at the male with a bored expression while he was staring at you with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Meattttt!!" A loud voice yelled behind you as you heard a hoard of footsteps run through the ship until a door behind you smacked open. "Huh? Zoro, who's this?" An innocent voice called out behind you as you slowly turned around.

With a smile you waved at the boy who was looking at you confused. More people began to gather behind the boy including, two females, a Tanuki, a long nosed man, a blonde haired man, a robot and a skeleton.

"Stop! Don't get any closer she is an enemy!" The presumed Zoro called out to the other members of the crew.

Squinting his eyes the boy in the straw hat looked at you while holding a blank facial expression, many of the other crew members started getting into battle positions, apart from the Tanuki and the long nosed man who were shaking and crying together while the blonde haired man's eyes turned into hearts as he looked at your face.

"So which one of you is the captain? Actually no I don't care about that... which one of you is the strongest?" (Y/n)'s eyes held a glint in them as she spoke eerily low towards the group.

The two crying members cried harder while most of the crew stepped back. "I am! I am Monkey D Luffy! I am going to be pirate king!" The boy in the straw hat yelled at you while puffing his chest out and looking semi serious. A girl behind him face palmed whole muttering something about not telling the enemy your name.

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