Zoro x reader - Lost in translation

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Zoro x reader
Picture, credits to artist

As reader cannot speak the same language as the strawhats. Anything in italics will be what she doesn't understand.


You were currently sat on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, with the Strawhat pirates surrounding you and staring at you questionably. This all started not even an hour ago.


"NAMI-SWANNNNN! ROBIN-CHANNNNN! Breakfast is ready!" The blonde cook swirled around the kitchen while yelling out to his beloved women. The Strawhats were currently gathering round for the feast that was this morning's breakfast. Luffy was already seated at the table and eating food off everyone's plate while Usopp attempted to defend his meal. Franky was doing super poses at the ice cold cola that was presented to him next to Brook who was already singing his fourth song that day.

"Shouldn't someone go and wake up Swordsman-san?" Robin commented as she sipped on her tea. It was quite regular that Zoro would sleep through breakfast if someone didn't come and wake him up. Although the ones who don't have the guts to wake up Zoro were Chopper, Usopp and Brook, the only ones overly effected by Zoro's morning glare.

"Hmm I guess your right. Okay off you go Chopper." Nami answered without a single care as she began at eating her pancakes. The little reindeer cried at the beast he would have to awaken, not really sure if he would even be able to wake him up.

Choppers little hooves padded out after declaring to Usopp to protect his breakfast, the said comrade saluted to only loose a sausage to Luffy. The breakfast group continued until the door was smacked open by the little reindeer who was panting with a shocked expression.

"SOMEONE HAS TAKEN ZORO HOSTAGE IN THE CROWS NEST!" Chopper screamed with a shocked and sad face. The whole crew momentarily stopped in confusion at how Zoro was managed to be captured.

"Damn marimo taking away my precious time with my ladies." The cook muttered while following the curious group to the crows nest.


It was a sight they thought no one would ever see.

Zoro was currently sleeping on the couch against the wall to the crows nest. Only being in his green kimono, his chest was revealed as he had his hands behind his head creating a makeshift pillow. What was alarming was the girl who was curled up on the lap of the swordsman with her head buried in his chest and arms wrapped around his torso.

One by one the crew got to the top to freeze in shock at the sight before them. Robin was giggling at the unexpected situation, Luffy was confused as to what was wrong, and then Sanji fainted in pure shock.

"I don't think Swordsman-san is being held captive Doctor-san. He seems pretty comfortable to me." Robin giggled at the small reindeer for presuming the worse possible situation. At that moment the said swordsman woke up.

"Hmm.... huh? Why are you all standing there... did Ero-cook make breakfast already?" Zoro groggily questioned while rubbing his only working eye. After this point he only just noticed the weight on his lap.
Looking down he stared at the sleeping girl who looked very content at being on his lap.

Blinking a few times, it took the green haired male a second to register the bizarre situation.



The crew sat round the swordsman who was sitting on the deck of the Sunny with the small girl in his lap. The girl was beginning to wake up as she rubbed her eyes with a small fist and looked around her surroundings.
Seeing a bunch of people gathered around you when you first wake up will give anyone a shock. Even more when you don't recognize any of them.

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