Chapter 3

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Nandini was in the creative room busy in her designs when Aditya walks to her.

"Nandini?",he called and she turns to him.

"Thank god you are here today, I had a hard time managing without you yesterday. Okay I have many things for you as Mr.Malhotra will be coming today for measurements . But First get me a coffee and then I want you to talk with Mr. Malhotra assistant and check when they will be here for measurements and after that I want you to get me the report of how far the work is done and is everything going fine. Got it?",she asked him and he nods noting down everything.

" You can leave. ",Nandini dismissed him as she got back to her designs.

Aditya came back 15 minutes later with her Coffee and phone in his ears.

He hanged up and handed Nandini coffee.

"They said they will be here in some time.",Aditya informed and Nandini nodded.

" Okay great. Thanks for the coffee. ", Nandini said him.

" I was just going to check on production. Will give you the report soon. ",Aditya said her and she nods before looking up.

"Wait I will come too",She said and walked with him.

She checked everything and smiled in satisfaction seeing everything going their way.

"Okay perfect.",Nandini said happy clapping her hands and Aditya smiled a little along with others.

Nandini walks forward a little to explain them and slips on a clothing material twisting her legs.

Aditya grabbed her in time saving her from the fall.

"Thanks.",Nandini said and he smiled.

"I wonder how did you managed yesterday without me. ",Aditya said shaking his head at her clumsiness, helping her stand with his hand around her lightly as she held his shoulder for support.

"I went crazy. I am glad you are back. ",Nandini appreciated.

"So can I expect an increase in my salary? What about a bonus?",Aditya joked and she laughed nodding in no before he helped her to sit on a chair.

"Manik",Sara called him as she walked to him and finds him glancing through the glass wall at Aditya and Nandini.

"What are you looking at?",She asked him and he nods in no and turns to her.

" Let's go.",She asked and he nods.

"I was right about this girl. One side she is fooling cabir and other side she is having fun with her assistant. I need to tell Cabir about this soon.",Manik thought as Sara guides him to the designer room door.

"Hello.",Sara said to gain the attention and they turned to find both of them.

Nandini stood up and walked slowly careful with her leg and greeted them.

Nandini showed them around their area of production and designing and turns to Manik.

"Can we take the measurements?",Nandini asked him and he nods.

Nandini signals the intern to take the measurements as she noted it down.

Manik frowns a little seeing the excited face of the intern and gives a look to sara standing beside him.

She nods and walked closer to Nandini.

"Nandini if you don't mind. I can take the measurements.",Sara offered and nandini looked at her surprised before watching manik face as he glared at the intern who was blushing staring at him.

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