Chapter Nineteen

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Me and Taylor came home a week ago,  we have been planning our wedding in secret. Only ones who know is her uncle that she calls dad, me and her are at the restaurant eating our dinner and just having a  great time with each other. Her foot is on my lap and I am gently rubbing. I smile at her and she smiles at me, we make love every chance we get. I am so ready to be married to the love of my life, I am ready to have babies with my girl.

I say...

I love you baby girl....

She says..

I love you too baby..

I lean over to give her a hot and passionate kiss and she does the same thing. I lick her bottom lip she opens her mouth and our tounges dance together in a fiery dance.  We break apart and our foreheads are against one another we smile at each other. 

I sit back down when my mother storms up to our table....

I say...

You need to leave Delta.

She says...

" No this girl will take everything from you!"

I say

The only she took was my heart, this  is your last warning before I take action. You need to stop stalking Taylor and me or else. You will not like the out come if I take action, you can never mind your own business when it comes to your kids love lives but guess what you need to stop trying to pick our girls or guys for us. We don't  need your help when it comes to love and we don't want it !

She says

" You will see what she is like."

My baby beats me to the punch and says..

" You don't  even know me, so stop judging a book by its cover and maybe get to know them instead of pointing the finger.  I love SEBASATIN with all that I am and you can go suck on a goose egg  I hope you choke and no one will help you cause you are a evil women. And next time you stalk me I will pepper spray your ass and it will burn. I did not do anything to you so back off or else, you are a pain in the ass and I am sick and tired of you.

She says.....

She just storms off...

Me and Sebastian look at each other and we bust out laughing..

He says..

Fuk I love you so damn fucking much...

She says...

I fucking love you so damn much too baby.

He says...

Baby girl you ready to head to my house for the weekend?

She squeals and jumps to her feet...

I just laugh at how cute she is.

I am so ready to get her pregnant..

I pay and I grab my girl's hand we walk out of the Restaurant and I squeeze her ass on the way out of the door she squeals. I growl as I pick her up and carry her to the truck it is pouring down rain. She kisses my cheek and I sweetly kiss her as we walk to the turck.

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