Safe House

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Warning: includes language.
Disclaimer: all the characters except Nakamura belong to Haruichi Furudate. Nakamura is a fictional character of my own making. None of the art is mine. Full credits go to the artists. Author-chan out!

Iwaizumi raced across several streets. He grabbed an empty beer bottle from a garbage can and ran toward where he knew the car would come next. It turned the corner.

He speedwalked out in front of it, pretending to drink from the empty bottle. He threw it down right in front of the car and ran for it. He hid in the alleyway, quickly moving away from the direction he ran in. There was no time for the driver to dodge. The car ran over the broken glass. The two front wheels squeaked and came to an abrupt halt.

The doors opened. The hitman and the driver got out. The driver slammed his fists onto the hood. "Motherfucking son of a bitch!" He cursed Iwaizumi. He smiled. His plan was working.

The armed man spoke rapidly and quietly to the driver. The driver nodded and walked off. The hitman remained. He looked suspiciously around at the apparently deserted road.

Hajime palmed his best switchblade. I'm only going to have one shot at this, he thought grimly. If I miss, I'll lose the element of surprise. And I'll have to fight him hand to hand. Fists against guns are not good odds. He took a deep breath.

The angle was good. The breeze was nothing to worry about. He had a clear throw.

Iwaizumi threw the knife. It lazily spun blade over hilt, seeming to curve through the air in slow motion.

The hitman was holding his gun with both hands. The knife embedded itself into the hitman's hands. He howled in pain, but Iwaizumi was already moving. He punched the man in the face, instantly knocking him out. He opened the car door.

Oikawa was squashed between the seats. The heavy halter was still on his neck, keeping him pinned. Hajime swore. The halter was too tight. He couldn't lift it off his head like he'd done before. He didn't have time to mess with it. He had to run now.

Tooru's head swiveled around, trying to pinpoint the sound. Iwaizumi reached into the car and picked up his love. Oikawa screamed through the gag. "Shhh! It's me!" Iwaizumi hissed. Cradling Tooru to his chest, Hajime ran for their lives.

He sprinted away, thanking Asahi he knew this area so well. He wished he could remove his setter's restraints, but there wasn't time. Right now he had to get them to a safe place before the driver came back.

He ran to Nakamura's house. He had showed it to him several days prior, saying he could crash there if needed.

Some people would have questioned his trustworthiness. Iwaizumi didn't. Nakamura was the first person to fight him. And he lost. But instead of becoming enemies, he took the young stranger under his wing. They became friends. Nakamura showed him other bars and clubs. He advised him. He had never once betrayed Takeo's confidence.

Yes, Iwaizumi trusted him.

He thudded onto the front steps. He threw the door open and closed it quickly. "Nakamura!" He gasped. "It's Takeo! Don't shoot!" He was sure the hacker had some kind of electronic defense system set up. Only an idiot wouldn't have one in a place like this, and Nakamura wasn't an idiot.

"Kid!" Nakamura's shocked voice echoed out of a hidden camera. "What are you doing here? Who's this?"

"My best friend," Hajime answered. "Nakamura, I need a safe house for a few hours. Can I stay here?"

"Yes, of course! I'll be down in a minute!" Deciding it was safe, Iwaizumi carried Oikawa further into the house. He sat him down on the couch. For the first time, he studied the captain closely. He looked relatively unharmed, just scared to death. His face was stained with tears, and an unpleasant smell drifted from his pants. He had soiled himself from fear.

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