Chapter 9 - "You're beautiful."

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(Your PoV)

I was so ashamed of myself. Because of me, we had to retreat. 

I was sat up on the infirmary bed, and Levi was seated in a chair next to me. 

"I'm sorry..." I muttered, looking down. I could instinctively feel his gaze on me. 

"Tch. You should be sorry, brat." He said in his usual cold tone. 

I looked up at him, expecting to see some sort of hard glare, but instead, I was met by a look of concern, hurt and worry from Levi. 

I didn't know he was capable of this kind of expression. 

He raised his hand up and placed it gently on my cheek. 

He began to slowly lean in and my cheeks heated up almost instantly. Our lips were about a centimetre apart when the infirmary door swung open. 


Levi and I instantly jolted away from each other as Hanji burst into the room. 

She jumped straight on top of me, which gave me the impression that she didn't see anything. 

Hanji squeezed me tight, which made me flinch as I was incredibly bruised around my waist. 

Levi yanked the back of Hanji's collar and violently pulled her off me.

"Hanji! Get off! She's injured, you moron."    

She completely ignored him. 


"I'm fine," I reassured her. 

"No you're not," Levi argued. 

I shot him a glare but didn't have time to respond as Jean walked into the room holding a tray of food. I heard Levi mutter something under his breath but I couldn't make out what he said. 

"(Y/N), I brought you something to eat." Jean said sweetly. 

"Thank you! I'm starving," I said smiling, as he handed me the tray. 

I was about to take a bite of my bread when Eren bursted into the room, also holding a tray of food. 

"(Y/N) I brought you some-" He stopped mid sentence, focusing on the tray already in my lap. 

"She doesn't need you're tray, I already got her something to eat," Jean boasted. 

"Shut up horse face. I bet you don't even know what food she likes," Eren replied. 

"Of course I do-"

They began to argue back and forth, and I looked over at Levi who looked like he was about to murder someone. 

"U-um, guys it's fine. I like all food.." I said, trying to diffuse the situation. 

I was ignored. 

"Oi!" Levi shouted, "Can't you see you're annoying her?" 

Eren and Jean both paused and looked at me. 

Hanji was sitting in the corner enjoying the show. 

"U-uh, if you guys don't mind, I'm going to get some sleep." I said, feeling drained from all the commotion. 

"Want me to stay with you?" Levi, Eren and Jean all said in unison, causing them to glare at each other. 

"It's okay, thank you." I replied. 

One by one, they left the room. It was finally peaceful. 


I woke up a few hours later. 

The room was pretty dark, with only one candle illuminating a dim light. 

I turned over, not expecting to see anyone. But nevertheless, Jean was slumped over in the chair, with his head on the bed fast asleep. 

I smiled to myself and stroked his soft, copper-brown hair. 

"You're so cute sometimes..." I accidentally whispered out loud.

"You think so?" Jean replied to my surprise, lifting his head up. "Aw you're blushing," he said. 

"No I'm not! How can you even see in this light?!" I argued, knowing he was right. 

He placed his cold hands on my warm cheeks. 

"Haha, I can't see, but I knew you would be. Your face is hot," he said smugly as I turned my face away. He gently turned my head back to face him. 

"You're beautiful," he said out of the blue, planting a light kiss on my forehead.

"Who are you and what have you done with Jean?" I replied, trying to stay calm, but my heart was beating out of my chest. 

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, pretending to be hurt. 

"I'm just kidding!" I said and we both laughed. 

Jean place his large hand over my much smaller one. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked, although I was much too focused on the physical gesture than the question.

"Yes," I replied. 

"Yes? (Y/N), I asked how you were," Jean said, confused. 

"Huh? Oh, I'm okay!" I said, with a blush that I thankfully knew he couldn't see. 

He stared at me for a moment before standing up. 

"Okay...get some more rest. I'll check up on you again soon," he said with a small smile.

"Thank you," I replied as I watched him exit the room. 


I'm sorry! It's such a short chapter ;-; 

I just got home from a night shift and I was bored so I decided to update for once even though I'm half asleep..

I swear every time I update this story, I have to reread what I wrote last time because I forget and it's so cringe >.<

Also, I was there a certain character you want to see more of? Levi? Eren? Jean? I try to balance them out but it's hard sometimes :'( so let me know xx 

Hopefully I'll have another update soon, I'm focusing on my other book 'The Seven' at the moment, so check it out if you have time! It's about a girl who meets seven guys that all like her ;)))))))))))))))

Anyways, enough from me. Bye!

I'd Die for You      Levi X Jean X Eren X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now