Chapter 10

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Sorry for the wait. Maybe a quick look over of the last chapter to refresh your memory on what happened? Again, I'm sorry it took so long to update.

{Alyssa's POV}

It's been three days.
Three long, sleepless days since the police took away my husband.
I have received no phone calls, emails, letters, or any communication of any kind from the station as I was promised. Both twins have developed colds and are winy all day and night so I've constantly been up with them. Not that I would be getting any sleep even if they were silent through the night.
I'm also at the stage in my pregnancy that things are getting more and more uncomfortable as the baby starts it's rapid growth inside of me. This is the time I could use Robert the most.

I'm sitting on the couch resting my eyes while the twins sleep. A few days ago, moments like these would be one of the few things that I actually look forward to as a pregnant mother of twins. It would give me time to myself or with Robert that I wouldn't get while Tobias and Aubrey are awake, and I would get to relish in the silence that I finally received. Today is different. I don't want quiet. I don't want alone. I want my family back.
I want to believe that Robert is really where I am told but I have no reassurance. I need to know my husband is okay.

"Alyssa?" Indio approaches.
"Uh, yeah?"
"I called the station.." I stand, suddenly interested in what he has to say.
"And?! What did they say about your father?!" he hesitates before speaking his next set of words.
"Alyssa, he's not there." My head begins to spin.
"I knew it, I knew he wasn't there. I would have gotten a call if he was there. Where could he have gone? Who would have taken him? Is he okay?" I'm pulled from my mindless rambling by two arms being wrapped around me, pulling me into a tight hug and shutting me up.
"Shh, Mom it's okay. He's gonna be okay. Dad's a strong man and he can make it. It's our job to stay strong and find him. We've got the police searching as well. I made sure that they were aware he is missing and has been for a while. It's all going to be okay." I wasn't even aware I was crying until I pulled away from the warm hug to see tear stains on Indio's soft cotton t-shirt.
"I'm sorry." I whisper, wiping my eyes free of tears. He chuckles, much like his father as he wipes a stray tear from his eye too.
"He's you're husband. Don't apologize for worrying about him. I was there to comfort him while he stressed about Jonny, now it's my turn to comfort you in your time of distress." I'm about to thank him when the realization hits me.
How did I not see this in the beginning? Of course this was Johnny's doing. I should have caught on by how close he and the officer were. He wasn't even handcuffed before being pushed into the car.
I don't know where he could be, but we have to find him. Johnny is capable of way to much.

{Robert's POV} (Two weeks later)

I've lost count of the amount of days I've been trapped in this damn room. I've lost count of the amount of times I've been beaten. I've lost count of the amount of times I have blacked out and woken up hours later.
We've switched location three times, each time I've been blindfolded and gagged with a dirty sock, and each time I've heard policed sirens nearing our location.
I want my wife. I want my children. I want to know that everyone is okay.
The doors to the small basement room I am now locked in bust open, revealing an angry Johnny followed by two very large guards who I've come to know as Red and Jay. I flinch in sight at them. Seeing them means we're either moving location, or I'm being beaten again and my body can't take the beatings. Moving location may not even be an option at this point. I don't remember the last time I ate a meal. The last piece of food to touch my mouth was a piece of stale bread and a small cup of bland oatmeal, and that was before our last move of location.
"Get him up! They're coming, we need to move."
They proceed with the same process that we've gone through three times before. I'm yanked from my spot, pulled to my feet by Red and blindfolded by Jay. This time they don't gag me. I'm pushed up the set of stairs and hit by a ray of light, being blinded through my blindfold. We walk across a section of grass and I'm pushed into a van to be transferred to the next location.
Everything is following routine as we sit in the van, the sound of sirens nearing us, the quietness of the vehicle consuming me. That is until I hear a familiar voice, two actually, calling out the name they've learned as me.
"Daddy" I hear my son and daughter cry out. They begin their wining and it slowly transitions into screaming. I wrestle against my restraints as the tears slip from my eyes.
"Babies calm down, daddy's right here. I'm here with you." I reach out, hoping to comfort them, but I can't reach them.
Why are they here? Where's my wife? Where's Indio?
"They're gaining on us John." Red yells over the screams. Johnny takes a sharp turn trying to loose the cops, and suddenly everything turns to slow motion.
The car jolts so the right as we hit a bump, we loose traction and we flip. We hit the ground once, twice, three times, and the crying of my children has gone silent. I hear the sirens getting closer and the last thing I hear before I black out is my little boy whispering my name.

Please don't hate me 😁
I love you guys! Please comment your thoughts, criticism, what I could do better, try not to come after me for making you wait so long, tell me how you liked it? Anyways next update as soon as possible.

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