Chapter 4

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"I love you" I hear someone whisper in the distance. Although I can't tell who, I know that it's not Robert.

"Did you hear that baby, I told you I love you." He walks closer and tries to grab my arm but I yank it away, still trying to make out who he is from the blue I see in front of me.

"Where's Robert?" I whisper coldly as if to spit my words out at the man. He sighs.

"He's gone Alyssa. I've told you this already and know we can finally have the family we always dreamed of without that sick bastard in the way." he says, taking me into his arms. Suddenly everything comes back into focus. All I can see is images of this man holding Roberts limp body in his arms with his hand clenched around the handle of the knife he used to kill my husband. This man is Johnny.

"We don't have a family! I never dreamed of a family with you! I have a family with my husband and you killed him! you're the sick bastard, get the fuck away from me!" I yell and punch him in the face. He looks like he's had enough of my yelling and he tackles me I the ground.

"I didn't want to do this but maybe it's best." He pulls out his knife. "Maybe we should get rid of all that's left of him." He takes his knife and raises it above my stomach. My baby!


I jolt up in my bed and clutch my slightly grown belly with one hand and wipe my sweat away with the other. Robert quickly sits up next to me just moment after.

"Shh, Alyssa calm down baby. Come here. Calm down." I can hear Robert whisper. I can also hear crying and I want it to stop but it won't. That's when I realize I'm the one screaming and crying. I quiet my self and look down and my belly. Untouched and unharmed.

After many attempts Robert finally managed to get me to lay back down, curled up at his side.

"He killed you." I whisper, thinking back to the dream I just had. "He killed you and he tried to kill our baby and he thought he could be with me." Tears start draining from my eyes. "He killed you." I repeat and my hold on Robert becomes stronger.

"Alyssa, baby I'm still here. I'm right here and I'm very much alive. And our baby? our baby is still right here." He takes his hand and rubs my belly as a gesture to remind me and soothe me at the same time. "And the twins are still in their room asleep and safe." He reassures. He thinks for a moment and then he slowly slides from my grasp.

"Wait here honey" she whispers. After a minute or two he walks back in with a baby in each arm.

"Safe and sound." He hands Aubrey off to me and he props Tobias in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I woke you up" I glance up at him.

"Don't apologize. You can't control the nightmares you have." he states. We sit in silence until he speaks up.

"Who was it that killed me baby?" whispers Robert. I tense up when he asks the question and I try my hardest to avoid answering.

"Alyssa please just answer me." he knows me to well. Slowly I look up at him with tears in my eyes.

"It was Johnny wasn't it?" He asks as anger flares in his eyes. I nod.

"That sick bastard." He stands up quickly and I flinch.

"Robert give me Tobias." I say sternly. He stops and realizes what he's doing as slowly hands to me.

"I'm gonna kill him." He whispers.

"Robert, it was just a dream. Remember that."

"You don't just have a dream like that without something influencing it." He's right. I do have something that influenced it but I was hoping to keep it from him.

I look away and avoid eye contact as I deny having anything to influence my dream.

"Don't lie to me. I knew you weren't acting right last night but because it was our anniversary I didn't want to bring it up." I sight and grab my phone, pulling up my most recent text message. I hand it to him and he reads it, his face turning from worried to stone cold emotionless.

Slowly he locks the phone, lays it on the bed, and gets up, walking out if the room. The next thing I hear is glass shattering and Robert yelling. I lay the twins on the bed and run to the kitchen where I find a shattered glass and Robert sitting on the floor in the corner with his head in his hands. I stand in shock.

"Robert..." I whisper.

"Dad?" I hear Indio come up behind me.

"Mom what happened?" he asks.

"Johnny happened." I whisper as I walk over to Robert. Indio goes expressionless as Robert had done when he read the message.

"I'm so sorry." whispers Robert as he stands from his spot, realizing what he had done.

"Be careful baby. Don't step on the glass." He says while pulling me closer to him.

"What exactly did that bastard do?" asks Indio, still standing in the door way glaring at the floor.

Slowly, I hand him my phone phone for him to see the message.

The message reads; Happy anniversary baby. Next year it's gonna be you and me. No Robert, no Indio, no Aubrey, No Tobias, no newborn, Just me. I'm coming for you and there's nothing you or your precious little boy toy can do about it. You're mine.

Just like his father, he slowly locks my phone and lays it down but instead of just walking away, he grabs his shoes and walks out of the door, slamming it on the way out.

I can't let my family die. I can't lose everything I have.


Decided to mix it up a little 😁 hope you enjoyed it.

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