Chapter One

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"Robert?" I whisper to the sleeping figure in the bed.

"Robbie, you need to wake up or we will be late."

"For what?" he rolls over. I gasp and hit him on his arm. His fake 'clueless' expression disappears and he laughs.

He brings his hand under the covers and slips it under my tank top, placing it on my bare stomach.

"Our creation." He whispers and kisses me. He pulls away after a few minutes of heated kissing when the twins begin to cry.

He kisses me one last time and we both get up to begin the morning routine.

We walk into the Nursery and Robert goes to Tobias and I tend to Aubrey. I do a quick diaper change and when I'm halfway through, I feel Robert jump back and yell. "What the hell Tobias?!"

I turn around and his face and shirt are covered in liquid, and judging by the smell, it's pee. I try to obtain a straight face but I can't.

"Poor wittle wobbie." I joke and turn around. Next thing I know, he hugs me from behind and rubs his pee covered face across my cheeks.

"You little-- you're gonna pay for that!" He just chuckles and turn back to Tobias to finish changing his diaper. I finish fastening Aubrey's onzie buttons and once I'm done, I pick up her dirty diaper and smear the baby poop into Roberts dark brown hair.

"You're going to wish you didn't just do that." He whispers and and I can already tell he's smirking.

He smears his fingers in the poop in his hair and rubs it on my face, then proceeding to tickle me. After a few seconds of my kicking and screaming, he quits, staring into my eyes and smiling.

"You know I love you, right?" he asks and I just lean in and kiss him, ignoring the horrid smells radiating off of our bodies. We pull away and I lay my head on his pee soaked chest.

"Did that answer your question?" I can feel his chest vibrate from his chuckle as he answers, "I think so, but maybe you should do it again, just to be sure." I giggle and as I lean in, Indio interrupts.

"Um, did I miss something?" he asks, referring to the foul smelling materials we are covered in.

I just shrug and say no and he just rolls his eyes and walks back downstairs to his room. I turn back to Robert and he just smiles.

"How did I get so lucky?" I'm about to argue with him when I feel my stomach churn and I have the sudden urge to throw up. I run to the bathroom and squat in front of the toilet just before the contents from my stomach spill out of me.

Morning sickness is a joy isn't it?

"Are you okay baby?" Asks Robert as he walks in and hands me a cup of water and a wet towel.

"Yes, but I don't understand how the morning sickness is ten times worse with less children growing inside of me." he smirks.

"Who knows, you could be having another set of twins, or even triplets." I sigh.

"I don't think I could handle triplets." I whisper.

"I don't care how many, or what it is. Just as long as I'm with you, Mrs.Downey." he leans down and kisses my stomach, and then despite my horrible breath, he kisses me.

"I'm sorry if I'm not everything that you've hoped for, but you know that I love you. You know that I will do everything that I can do to make to make you happy and you deserve more than I could ever give yo--"

"Alyssa stop." interrupts Robert. "Don't say that. I fought for you because you are everything that I hoped for. You're the love of my life and that's why I put that ring on your finger. You don't have to continue apologizing for something that you couldn't even control." He stares into my eyes and he grabs both of my hands.

"I love you, more than you could ever know." he shakes his head in protest.

"I think I know, Alyssa. I think I know."


Sorry, writing that took longer than I intended. I hope you liked it.

Did you like this chapter? I'm not so sure I did...

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