The Beginning of the night

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This is what he looks like
Also castlevania doesn't belong to me the only thing that be longs to me is my OC

A hooded man walks through a crowd sliping past people like a ghost in the evenings cold damp air, and the smell of death thick in the air. A scoff is heard from under the hood as he sees a group of priest walks by. Scumbags all of you he said in a low dark tone. He continued to walk down the stone rode when he hears a loud  cry from an alley way. Might as well figure out what it is he thought. As he walks closer to the alley way he sees two priest, one speaker, and and man with a whip. The man with a whip say pick him up and take him back to your church. Don't bother this man or his people again. I laugh as the two men scurry away past me barely taking a glance at me. The violence wasn't necessary sir, but it is appreciated says the speaker. I zone out as I started to hear him introduce himself to the man. I freeze when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head slightly to see who it is. I relax when I see the speaker. Should you like to join us as well to my lodging? He asks. I shrug sure I say. It's not like I have any thing better to do I think. We start walking. The man asks the speaker how many speaker there were. 11 last I counted , but I prefer we be counted as 12. One of us is unaccounted for. We soon arrive at a small house. The speaker who is called Elder offers  us to come inside and meet his people. The man agrees, but I decline say I will stay outside. The two go inside as I lean against the house and look at the sunset. I tune in when I hear the man say he's a Belmont. Well this just got interesting I thought. The Elder says that there is another speaker in the catacombs. I also hear that the speaker in the catacombs is the Elders grandchild. The Belmont agrees to find the grandchild so the speakers will leave and aren't killed by the night hoard. The Elder agrees and the Belmont is about to leave when I catch up to him. Im joining I say to him. He sighs as long as you don't get in my way. We start walking.


So did you like chapter 1. I'm doing chapters by episodes. Stay safe 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 and remember if I catch you being homophobic, transphobic, Islamaphobic, racist, ableist, or any thing of that nature I will pull a sangwoo and break your ankles. Live Long and Prosper

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