The animals come out

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I stay behind with Alucard at the broken house as Trevor and Sypha send the speakers off. I'm sorry about your mother. You knew her?  I did a very bright, kind, and joyous woman. You look so much like her. I finish I look to out of the broken side of the house to see Trevor and Sypha walking towards us. So, how do we proceed? Questions Sypha. Have the speakers left? Alucard asks in return. Yes. I'm sorry in success you will see them soon in the far happier circumstances. Sebastian says. See, he knows how to be nice. Trevor tchs Whats your name any was? I can't tell you my real name so just call me Sebastian. Ok then. Trevor says there is a secret hold under his old family house, and we decide to head there first. Such a merry band we are. I'm going to go find us a covered wagon if you two can manage to not kill each other while I'm gone. Sypha says while walking. Watch them Sebastian. You got it. Oh please we're not children. Alucard says to sypha. As soon as she walks away Trevor starts. Eat shit and die while flipping off Alucard. Yes fuck you. Sebastian chuckles at their antics.

The gates closes as the wagon leaves Gresit. With Sypha and Trevor in the front and Alucard and Sebastian in the back.

(Time skup)
The group is sat around a fire at there camp site for the night. I'm still not completely clear why you don't catch fire in the day light. I am half-human. My mother's name was Lisa and she was a mortal. I would very much like to hear the sorry of how that happened. She actually showed up at his front door. She found the castle and banged on the front door with the pommel of her knife. She sounds interesting. Oh, she was remarkable. She beat on the door unti he let her in and, then demanded he teach her how to be a doctor. Wait, Dracula taught a human woman how to be a doctor? What was first bloodletting. Trevor jokes.
(Sebastians POV)
As Alucard explains what happened to him mother I remembered Lisa and her kindness even we she found out what I was. Suddenly I'm shaken out of my mind by a noise in the bushes. Did you hear that's? What animals humping in the undergrowth. I look at Alucard confused on what I missed, but decide not to question it. We quickly pack up everything on the wagon and start to head to Arges. We are quickly stop after a minute or two on the road by a group of night creatures. We all hop out of the wagon and find a hiding stop in the forest to the side of the trail.


It's short I know. I just wanted to give you a chapter.  Stay safe 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 live long and prosper.

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