The Moons Glowing Beams

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(Sebastians POV)
Trevor and I keep running but we are soon surrounded by a mob. The mob starts to close in on us when a ring of fire Surrounds is. I look up and see Sypha. A man yells Witch! She replies No! I am a speaker and a scholar of magic. I serve no demon and do no evil. As she parts part of the circle of fire to make a pathway from Trevor and I to go to her. As him and I start to make our way Trevor looks to the side and sees one of the priests from this morning. You! say the Belmont kill them quickly says the priest. No just you and me Trevor says. The fire wall soon dissipates to allow the two to fight. You're very big at telling other people what to do. Getting the good people of Gresit to commit nursed for you. Let's see how you do on your own. You and me I can see your carrying a blade. I wonder if the people of the great city of Gresit have every seen a priest draw a knife before? I hear a few murmurs through the crowd. Your long knife my short sword. Let's go! Come on, you had no problem beating an old man this morning. Huh? You had no problem lying to these people about the speakers. The speaker brought this upon us! Yells the man. I roll my eyes. No they didn't, and you know it. The speakers stayed here to offer aid. It was your bishop who brought all this down on us. Your bishop who started it all by killing a defenseless woman. You would've made Murderers out of these people, but the only one who isn't Innocent here is you. The mobs starts stab the priest. Behind us is an Explosion caused by the night hordes.  The villagers start to scream and run away. Sypha comes up behind us.  It's them they're coming. Back to the far side of the square I command. Pikes! Up front now. Six in front six behind and in between, pikes forward. The people rushed to do what Trevor said. I need a priest one who was properly ordained in a church. A man comes forward.  Grab some people, and go to the nearest well and start drawing water. You know what to do with water, yes? For the aspersions? Go. Sypha! Yes I want them walled in when they hit the square. I want it so they can only come towards us. Is that something you can do? Will ice do? She answers. Better then fire, anyway. I want salt over here as much as you can find. I yell to the people. The people come over buckets of salt. Anyone with a sword wipe their blades with the salt. I make sure I have my gloves on before I dip my arrows in the salt. Without a moment to spare the night creature walk through the fire. Sypha puts up the walls of ice. As the night creatures star to walk forward Trevor throws holy water at them which causes where the water hit to sizzle. Pikemen! Four steps forward. Sypha makes the wall behind the creature close. The men kill some of the creature as sypha makes a bucket of water explode on the creature and Trevor uses his whip.i pull out and notch my arrow on the bow string. The largest night creature starts to attack us but sypha uses her powers to try and crush it with ice blocks. I pull back the arrow to the corner of my mouth and fire hitting in the heart. Before it dies it says There is an army of us from hell! Before it finally exploded. Sypha made a wall so it didn't hit us. I hear and feel the ground fall beneath us. Trevor grabs us as we fall, I fell the whip burn me, but I stay silent. Sypha slows us down with powers. I sigh In relief as I feel the whip leave my skin. When we look up I we were in the catacombs again. I think we're deeper then I went before states Sypha. We see some large gears move, but we almost get crushed by the traps. I grab Trevor and Sypha and run but we fall of the edge.we fall and make it to another room full of gears. Yet again the ground starts to crack. Sypha uses her powers to make it on a gear, and Trevor and I jump a gear as well. We all walk on the thick pipe like structures in the middle of the gears. Trevor takes his whip and wraps it around the next pipe like structure. I sigh knowing touching the whip would hurt, but I would have to to keep my human appearance up. Sypha and I shimmied across the whip an make it across to the gear. Trevor swings across and lands just below us. Everything around us starts to brake and the structure were on fall, and we fall through ANOTHER FLOOR! After the dust clears we get up and continue walking. At the end of the room we see a coffin. As we walk closer Trevor steps on a tile, and it moved. He looks at us and say I didn't do that. Steam blows out from the coffin os the lid moves on it own. I beautiful man floats out of the coffin. He leans forward so his hair covers his face, and he says why are you here?in a silky low voice. Sypha looks up in hope and says the story is true the Messiah sleeps under Gresit. The man who will save us from Dracula. The man turns his hair covered face to Trevor and asks. And you, are you in search of a mythical savior? I fell down a hole replies Trevor. I chuckle at his response which makes the man look at me. Do you believe I am the sleeping messiah? Me I believe that the people brung this upon themselves and there is no Messiah to save them. Dracula is abroad in the land. He has an army of monsters. He's determined to whip out all human life wherever he finds it. Sypha says. Is that what you believe? The man says addressing Trevor. That Dracula's released his horde in Wallachia? That's fact there's no believe involved. But that's not what your asking. No replies the man. You're asking if I believe you're some sleeping Messiah who will save us, and no I don't. Belmont! Sypha exclaims. I know what you are. Trevor states. And what am I the man says with a smile showing his sharp teeth. You're a vampire. Says Trevor with a glare. The man looks up and open his eyes to show his golden eyes almost like the sun and he also shows his fangs which makes Sypha gasp. So I have to ask my self have we come down here to wake up the man who'll kill Dracula or did we come here to wake Dracula. You call me Dracula says the man. I'll call you anything you'd like if you're gonna show me your teeth. She called you Belmont. House of Belmont? Trevor Belmont last song of the house of Belmont. The Belmont's fought creatures of the night. Did they not? For generations. Say what you mean. Trevor say as he starts to walk closer. The Belmont's killed vampires. Until the good people decided they didn't want us around. An now Dracula is carrying out an execution order on the human race. Do you are Belmont? Honestly I didn't, no but now. Yes it's time to stop it. Do you think you can? What I think is that I'm going to have to kill you. Belmont no he's the one we've been waiting for. No he's not he's a vampire, and he's not been waiting for hundreds of years have you? I don't like your tone Belmont. This place is old, but it not abandoned its alive and working. So go on vampire go on tell them exactly how long you have been waiting down here. What is the year of your lord? 1476. Perhaps a year then. There and ontop of that what kind of messiah creates mechanical death traps to buy himself an uninterrupted nap in a stone coffin? My defenses were not for you. You could have Told your defenses that. They are machines nothing more they were not intended to protect me from you and I asked you a question do you care? I care about doing my families work. I care about saving human lives. Am I going to have to kill you? Do you think you can? If you're really a Belmont and not just some ruby running around with a family crest you might be able to. And with a twitch of his finger a swords flies in this direction and he catches it. Belmont you can't do this. Tell that to vampire floating Jesus. You've got but insults have you? A tired little but he is cut off as a whip hits him. As there fight continues I stop and study the man long blonde hair , golden eyes, strong jaw line, abs, and a large scar running down his Cesar to his torso. He's only wearing tight black pants. He fighting comes a stop for a second as Trevor tries to knee the man in the manhood. I expected the man to at least flinch but no response all he does is say please this isn't a bar fight have some class. I yell NUTS OF STEEL ! To the man and see a slight smirk. Just as it seems Trevor is about to lose as the man has him pinned. The man asked him if he had a god to make any last wished to and the Belmont replied yeah please dear god don't let the vampires gut ruin my good tunic. What do you mean? The man asks but winces as he feels a dagger dig into his stomach. I can still rip your throat out. You can but I won't stop me from staking you. But you will still die. But I don't care killing you was the point living through it was just a luxury. The man starts to laugh. Sypha walks up behind the man with a small fire ball inside her to fingers . I will Incinerate you before your fangs can touch that man's throat. I thought I was your legendary savior. So did I , but he saved my life. Your a speaker magician. Yes and his goal is mine to stand up for the people. Good very good a vampire hunter , a magician, and a random man. You'll do. I am Adrian Tepes known to the Wallachians as Alucard son of vlad Dracula Tepes. I've been asleep in my private keep under Gresit for a year healing the wounds my father felt me when I attempted to stop him from unleashing his demon army.  You are the sleeping soldier Sypha says.  I'm aware of the stories. I'm also aware that the speakers consider the story to be information from the future. Do you know the whole story? Yes. The sleeping soldier will be meet by a hunter, a scholar , and a creature in human form.  No one told me that say Trevor. Why did you think my grandfather tried everything to make you stay? I hate speaker Trevor grunts as he gets up. I walk over to the coffin and grab out Alucards coats and hand it to him. I see a ghost of a smile on his face. Thank you. Of course I answer. So what now asks Sypha. He defeat my father. Why? Because it is what my mother would have wanted. And we are all in the end slaves to our families wishes. Alucard says as he picks up trevors whip and gives it to him.  You'll help us defeat Dracula and save Wallachia. My father as to die. We four can destroy him.

IT'S DONE. This chapter over 2,000 words long. I know it's bad but I'm trying. Stay safe 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 Live Long and Prosper

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