The stars come out

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After Trevor which I come to find out is the Belmont's name and I head into the catacombs. I know my purple eyes are glowing in the darkness making it easy to see in the dark for me. I see Trevor take a torch and smell it. Fresh oil he says then lights. How is there fresh oil I think, but soon brush it off. Anybody home yells Trevor.
( Small time skip )
After Trevor and I fall through a floor Trevor lands on his feet and say cat like reflexes. Right as he says that we fall through a second floor. I look down and see that He is on the ground while I'm still standing. Cat like reflexes I say to him. Piss off he says as he glares at me. After he gets up lights start turning on and I turn around and sees we're in a room full of stone statues. Trevor and I walk up to the statue of a speaker. When we hear large heavy foot steps behind us. When we turn around there is a very large cyclops.
(Time skip brought to you be not having enough confidence to write the fight scene)

After Trevor kills the cyclops we both run over to the statue of the speaker as it starts to move, and turn back into a person. After the speaker transforms back into a person I see they are a girl. She runs out of Trevor's  arm and throws up. Granddaughter then say Trevor he continues i wish speakers would do that. What? Asks the speaker confused. Dress the boys up like girl. Replies the Belmont. It's safer when we travel, what happens she asks. You walked into the cyclops. Trevor says. As they continue I start to feel my powers start to bubble inside me trying to crawl out and cause havoc. As I fell my powers start to calm down I see Trevor starting to walk away. My name is Sypha Belnades says the speaker. When we make it back to the house. Sypha and her grandfather hug each other. After Trevor and Sypha argue about who or what is in the catacombs. Trevor leaves and I laugh at the joke Sypha made. I enter the house and I see the Elder looks up at me and smiles. Come sit he says in a happy voice. I nod my head and cross the room to the table in three long strides. Sypha tells the Elder she is going to go freshen up, and she leaves. The Elder motions for me to sit in the chair across from him. I nod my head in gratitude and sit down.
____________ 3rd POV _____________

Who are you? The Elder says to the mysterious man. A dark low voice came for under the hood. I am the shadow you see out of the corner of your eye. The monster parents tell there children about. The bump in the night. The Elder starts to shake as the energy from the man hits him. What is your name? He says in a shaky voice. Where I'm from a name holds power, so you can just call me Sebastian. The man replies. Soon all of the speaker come back in side and everyone sits in a circle and starts to talk besides Sebastian. After a few minutes Trevor opened the door and the Elder said Trevor! Join us, but his happiness is soon squashed as the Belmont says Sure by the way you're all going to die. What? As Trevor explains that the bishop want the speakers gone or they will be killed by sunset. A scoff is heard from the corner as the man says in a quite voice They kill Dracula and when there are consequences they blame innocent people pathetic.
__________sebastian's POV ___________
As the speakers and the Belmont are arguing about what to do Trevor finally says You're leaving right now. Trevor looks at me and says we're bringing then to the catacombs. I nod I'm head in agreement, and we all make our way to the catacombs and drop the speakers off. Trevor and I go back to the house and sit by the fire when my sensitive ears pick up foot steps. The church and the people break down the door and say Where are the speaker? We've put them somewhere safe Trevor responds. Soon him and I are running from a mob of angry people through an alley way. After we make it through the small group of people that cornered us we continued running. When we make it to the end of the alley there is another mob and we quickly turn around. I hear the night hoard above us.


Though it doesn't seem that much writing is some work. Stay safe🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 Live Long and Prosper

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