chapter 8: it's all gone

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(three days ago)
My mother was crying

Kevin was on the floor......'lifeless'

"KEVIN!" I screamed and ran to where my mother had him in her hands

"No no no no no" I cried there was no hope now, he had been shot right on the chest and he looked dead

"Kevin wake up" my mother cried while shaking Kevin, while I just sat on the floor crying my eyes out

Then that sadness turned to rage,I balled my fist and went up to Raymond

"Do you realize what you have done" I said in a low yet deep threatening voice

"Oh no..........I killed my baby brother" he said faking a sad expression

Before I could control myself my fist came in contact with his stupid face and I gave him a hard punch that knocked out a tooth or two

He looked up at me,his mouth was full with blood and he took the gun out to shoot

But I wasn't going to let what happened the first time happen again, before he could pull the trigger I kicked him in his area and took the gun from his hands while he was whining on the floor in pain,his men came too hold me but he signaled for them to stop

Wasting no time I pulled the trigger and shoot but nothing happened,there where no bullets left in the gun

I looked down and saw Raymond smiling holding a bullet in his hand

"Want this?" He asked

How his he always a step ahead of me, how could I have let him just kill Kevin, out of frustration I threw the gun at his forehead and latched out at him

"You killed my brother, how could you?he was only six years,how heartless could you be! you didn't even think of sparing him. He still had his whole life ahead of him but now you have killed him,y-you killed him, you killed your own flesh and blood" I cried while hitting him

"Exactly this is how I felt when I found out about dad's death, now you know how it feels too, and don't forget I will still get my revenge for my mom"

Come to think of it I haven't heard my mom's voice for sometime now

"Mom!" I looked around but she wasn't there

" Where is my mom? What have you done, where is she!" I started panicking at the taught of something happening to her

"Like I said I am yet to have my revenge for what happened to my mother" his voice sounded dangerous

"Don't you dare do anything t-" I was interrupted when I felt a hand cover my nose with an handkerchief

They must have poisoned it with chlorophyll because I started feeling dizzy I tried to struggle out of their hold but it was of no use,the last thing I saw was Raymond standing in front of me with that evil smirk on his face

(Two days later)

My head was hurting badly but I couldn't open my eyes I tried to use my hands but it wouldn't move,then I realized I was tied up in a chair and I was blind folded it seemed to be outside by the heavy wind blowing and the flapping of my hair

"RAYMOND!"I screamed then I heard footsteps beside me

"Oh I see my little princess is awake just in time to witness the scene" with that he removed the blindfold and untied my hands

My whole world froze has I saw my mother hands tied with a rope while she was hanging off a cliff

If anyone let's go of the rope then she falls down the cliff,my eyes trailed to the person holding the rope and it was no other than Raymond

"Mum please don't worry I won't let anything happen to you" I said to my mother who was now screaming and crying for help

"Are you sure of that" Raymond asked while letting go of the rope then grabbing it back just to scare me

"Raymond please I beg of you don't let go of the rope please" I cried and pleaded on my kneels begging for him to spare my mothers life

"Give me a reason just one reason not to let go of the rope " he asked smiling,clearly enjoying this

"Because Dad wouldn't want this to happen" I said sternly

His face softened and he seemed to be thinking it through in his mind,but he shaked his head and said
"Well Dad didn't want to die also" with that he let go of the rope

I ran and grabbed the rope from the floor just in the nick of time I held unto it like my life depended on it to save my mother's life

"Come on Brittany you are still going to let go you can't hold onto the rope forever" Raymond yelled

The wind became heavier and a little sand entered my eye but that didn't stop me I still held onto the rope

My palms started bleeding due to the friction caused by how tight I was holding the rope and the rope was starting to cut

"Raymond please help me I don't want my mother to die"I cried

"Am sorry Brittany I can't,I have waited five years for this I just can't" There was a hint of sadness in his voice

"Raymond please am sorry please spare my mother please" I cried desperately

Before I knew it the rope cut into half I ran to grab the other half but I was a little too late. I could hear my mother screaming while falling down the cliff, everything felt like it was in slow motion

The tears where now flowing freely from my eyes but I didn't make any sound I didn't move I just stayed there staring at the empty spot my mother was before she fell

I dropped to the ground on my knees like a lifeless person, I didn't feel like I had any life in me, there was no hope in me left all I felt was pain and sadness there was no use fighting Raymond again because the people I was fighting for are now gone

"It's all gone" I sobed

"Am sorry" I turned back to see Raymond with tears in his eyes

Sorry for the late update I have been really busy lately,but please don't forget to vote 💗

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