chapter 9:It all ends now

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"It's all gone" i sobed

"Am sorry" I turned back too see Raymond with tears in his eyes

I didn't bother to reply him,I didn't even want to pay any attention to what he said there was no point in listening to his nonsense

I turned back to the empty spot my mother was wishing for a miracle to happen so she can come back to me, the tears where still flowing freely from my eyes

I didn't want to believe my mother was gone I didn't want to believe Kevin was gone I just wanted to go back home sleep and wake up in the morning to meet my mother preparing break fast and Kevin playing a video game or ranting on about random stuffs

I hope to get back home and see my house still the same as it was before the explosion

I stood up to go back home to my mother and brother until Raymond said something that made my blood boiling

"Am sorry It was a mistake"I heard Raymond say

Out of confusion and anger I turned to him and gave him a slap on his face

"A mistake? You killed my mother and brother now you say ITS A MISTAKE!" I yelled the last part

But I was more confused when he started laughing

"Of course it wasn't a mistake I just wanted to tell you the same thing you told me about dad's death ' A mistake' " he said making me more angry than I already am

"You are Heartless Raymond! No one would believe someone would get so much joy killing his own family, you are a maniac, you are a defective piece that can't be fixed, you are a cold blooded murderer, A monster in form of a man, I regret having a brother like you,even dad will be so ashamed of you wherever he is, you have failed to be a good son ,brother and human, You are a disgrace to the world!" I spat at him feeling so ashamed am related to this beast

"Save your words for the judge Brittany" he said which made me confused he didn't even wait for me to ask before he continued talking

"Am sure you will be wondering why I said that, you see when you where unconscious an idea came to my head, instead of killing you I decided to give you a worse punishment. I decided to frame you for your mother and brothers death, as we are talking right now the police are on their way here" he finished

He took me by surprise with what he said, not in a million years did I ever think this would happen I was confused and still in shock I didn't know what to do I just stood there staring at Raymond

"Brittany Logan five years ago you took my mother and father away from me and now I have destroyed your world in three days and I have left you Broken "

once he said that I sat on the floor and started crying uncontrolably, I am only sixteen years how could life be so cruel to me how could I loose everything,how could my life end before it even begins

My head started spinning and my chest was hurting I was finding it difficult to breath I kept gasping for air but the more I gasped the more I couldn't breathe, I was having an anxiety attack and this was the first time I had ever had one,I couldn't see anything again then I lost conciosness

I woke up too the sounds of the police sirens but when I looked around i wasn't on the cliff anymore I was in a building an apartment, Raymond's apartment by the looks of it

"As you can here the police are outside waiting for you to come out and surrender" I heard Raymond say from behind me

I peeped through the window it had already turned dark and the whole building where surrounded with police cars

"No Raymond you won't have your way this time I wouldn't get punished for a crime I didn't commit, I am taking you down with me and I am telling the police exactly what you have done" I said and wiped my tears away

"And why would they believe you when they are here to save me" he said giving me a sly smile

"Brittany you always are confused aren't you? I had planned everything well when I had framed you for your mother and brothers death I told the police that you are also planning on killing me and that you have kept me hostage in my own apartment" after he said that I was furious

He turned back and started laughing uncontrolably I saw a gun on the kitchen table and the worst taught came to my head but this time I didn't think I just did

I took the gun from the kitchen counter and pointed it at him, when he turned to me he was just as shocked as I expected him to be

"B-brittany what are you doing with that,put it down someone might get hurt"he said sounding so scared

This time it was my turn to laugh
"Oh Raymond you are always so confused aren't you? What makes you think I will spare you after you murdered my mum and brother you have tourtured me enough and it all ends now............ Raymond Logan you end now!"I said

"N-no Brittany please am sorry"he pleaded

"This is for killing my brother" I said and shot him on his arm

"This is for killing my mum" I said and shot him on his other hand

"And this is for ruining me" I said and shot him on his chest

As I saw him drop dead on the floor I felt satisfied at the same time sad, Never in my life did I ever think that this day will come, the day I will kill someone.... my own brother

The police must have heard the gun shot because they where trying to badge into the house

I walked to the spot Raymond was lying dead and touched his bleeding chest to make sure he was dead once I was sure I wiped my tears away

" Raymond look what you made me do......Dad please forgive me I had no choice" I said and stood up once I heard the police break the door down

I should have stayed and gotten my punishment for killing Raymond and for the crime I was framed for but I didn't I was too scared

When the police got into the house I ran through the backdoor and that's when the chase started

I took my time to write this chapter so please do vote....just press that little star button and that's all................ anyways So you guys now know the whole story about what happened to Brittany you can leave comments or if you have any opinions you can pm me..........peace out✌️

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