chapter 10:The judgement

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(current time)

I woke up to a very bright light

"Am I in heaven? O shit I will have to face my judgement now" I said covering my eyes from the light

"No you aren't in heaven but you will soon face your judgement" I turned my side and saw a female officer

I analysed my surroundings and realized I was in the hospital

"You passed out when you where being arrested and we had to rush you to the hospital"the officer said

"Oh" was all I said not wanting to talk any further considering I was going to be arrested and probably sentence to death for my crime

"The hospital will be bringing food to your room in a short while to help you regain your strength but you will have to hurry cause you need to be in the station for your interrogation" She said

"Yh" I kept my cool even though I was scared for what I was about to face I have never been to a prison and now I might even become a prisoner

And I had no lawyer to defend me in court,if only everyone knew the truth about what happened......and they aren't going to believe me if I tell them the truth

I could feel a tear roll down my cheek but I wiped it off immediately,after what seemed like a minute of silence the officer spoke up

"Why did you kill him"she asked

"Because he killed me"I replied

"But he is your brother?"she asked confused

"He was"I said, my words had no emotion in it

"I don't know what kind of person would kill their own family" the officer said clearly irritated

"Trust me you should be saying that to Raymond not me"

"How could you even kill your own mother? " She asked in disbelief

For a moment there I had forgotten that Raymond had framed me until now

"I didn't kill my mother or brother I am being framed" I said on the verge of tears

The door opened and a nurse came inside the room with my food, when I perceived the nice aroma of the food my mouth became watery and my stomach started to grumble I hadn't eaten for days and didn't realize how hungry I was because of all the drama going on

"When you are done with your food we are going to the station to continue the interrogation so eat up" she said and left the room while the nurse gave me my food and left the room

I wasted no time and dug into my food hungrily,this would probably be my last food so I better enjoy it while it last

I am currently being interrogated by a different officer he has asked me some questions like how old I was and stuffs like that

"Mrs logan what you have done isn't a small crime you have committed murder of course you aren't the first person to be arrested for this crime but we rarely have people your age commit this crime,when we come across teenagers like you it's either because of emotional or physical abuse that resulted them to kill the abuser or it might also be a result of bad upbringing"

"My mother brought me up in the right way officer"I said getting offended by what he said

"You mean the mother that you killed? Mrs logan you committed three murders one was your mother the second was your younger brother and the third was your elder brother" he said making me want to cry because I was innocent

"Officer I am being framed you need to believe me" I said desperately

"Alright tell me your story"He said with a sigh rubbing his forehead
It's been two days now,I have been in this prison cell fo two days crying my eyes out the hiering of my case is tomorrow and my lawyer doesn't have much evidence to defend me but at least he has some evidence against Raymond

Thankfully the officer was nice enough to help me with a lawyer named mr mason . I have a feeling he believes my story or he might just be out of self pity

I don't have a clock in here but I can tell it's almost midnight and tomorrow is my hiering, I laid on my very uncomfortable bed and closed my eyes

I couldn't deny my fear but I will have to wait to see what happens tomorrow
I am currently standing in the witness box listening to the arguments each lawyers have to defend the case,the  other lawyer is doing well ,they assigned him to defend Raymond's case

I am being asked a few questions here and there and I tell them what happened,I am really scared for what my judgement would be and my hands are shaking real bad

It's been a week since I lost everything and I still morn it everyday and every night crying, I just hope I will be granted justice I can't suffer for what's not my fault I think as I wipe a tear off my cheek

"Alright mr mason you have managed to prove miss logan didn't murder her mother or her brother but you haven't proved that Raymond logan committed the murder" the judge spoke

I was relieved that I was proven innocent for my mother and brothers death but I was still sad that Raymond hadn't been proven guilty of it but he is dead anyways I don't see any point in proven he is guilty

"We don't have any witness in this crime because everything was done in close doors and Brittany was the only witness to this crime and it has been proven that she didn't kill her mother or brother so it only means that she was framed and it was no other than Raymond because according to the police he called them and told them that Brittany had killed her mother and her brother and was planning on killing him but that was clearly a lie because he was framing her for killing her family but he was clearly the one who did it" my lawyer spoke for me and the judge seemed to be thinking it through

"Mr mason do you have any evidence to support what you said"Raymond's lawyer argued and when my lawyer was silent he spoke up again

"You can't make claims against the dead.Just because mr logan isn't here he couldn't tell us his own side of the story miss Brittany just told us her side of the story but there is an untold truth to what actually happened"

He continued saying a lot of false things that didn't happen and my lawyer was able to prove some of them wrong the atmosphere was really thick and my faith lies in the judges judgement I just hope he sees the truth and grants justice to me

I don't want to go to jail for a crime that's not my fault,my whole future would be ruined,I wouldn't graduate and complete my education and everyone would see me as a criminal and a murderer if the wrong judgement is made today

Finally the judge was about to make his last judgement and I was beyond scared

"Miss logan wouldn't be charged for the murder of her mum or brother....... But she will be  sentenced to four years imprisonment for the murder of mr logan,she will spend two years in juvenile and when she is off age she will spend the remaining two years in prison" my whole world crashed when the judge made his judgement

once the gavel was hit three times with a case dismissed I knew it was over,i was over.Is my story really going to end up

I was crying has they took me to my cell why couldn't I get the justice I deserve

Well that's it for brittany but don't stop reading yet because there is still a lot of drama yet to come ,her story isn't ending just yet and pls don't forget to vote..........peace out✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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