Genre || bambam//got7

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Genre by nerdyhemmo

|| in which kpop brings Skylar to realize what she really wants ||


genre |n.| a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form or content


Warning: There will be [some] swearing. (060316 Update: I don't really care about swearing anymore.)

UPDATE (06032016): I deleted my first 8tracks account bc I wanted to start over (I made a new one. It's still the same username, idk3siya). Unfortunately, I forgot that I didn't have the playlist for genre saved on my laptop.

UPDATE (24012018): Hello! It's been a while since I visited this book. I was just looking through comments and noticed that people keep commenting about Jinyoung being called Jr./Junior here. I would just like to point out that I wrote this way before he changed his stage name. I'm also too busy/lazy to go through all the chapters and edit his name wherever he is mentioned. Also, this book would be set after Stop Stop It era and before Just Right era. Meaning, he was still being called Junior. (For Abience and I Like You, I'll find time to edit but I'm honestly not sure how many times he was mentioned there...)

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