16. The Summoning

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Sitting in the middle of the floor cross-legged, eyes shut, was Kusa. It had taken him several days and eating binges to recover from the spell he performed. This time, he was better prepared. He had a full stomach and he'd been practicing smaller spells while regaining his strength. Finally, he was ready for the big leagues.

He was completely focused--mind and body--when his eyes opened. A wicked smile spread across his face. The Book of Devils lay open in front of him and the summoning book he bought from The Magic Page rested beside it. He had all the tools and ingredients he needed within reach. Taking a deep breath, he looked down at the demon he would be summoning. The demon of destruction and chaos, Malvado, filled his vision. He was the one who would lead him to victory.

Once Malvado possessed him, he would be unstoppable. He would have to commit a heinous crime to draw out The Five, but he needed to get them out of the way if he had any hopes of taking down Ignis. They were the only ones who could stop a demon. The wheels in his head began to turn. The possibilities were endless. Hero types were easily manipulated. He could go after someone close to them. He didn't know any of them personally except Akashi and he had no living relatives left he knew of. He was pretty sure one of them had parents who worked at Ignis though. Maybe he would start there. Then he could deal with The Five. The less interference he endured on the way to achieving his goal, the better. He couldn't wait to see the look on old Albert's face when he confronted him. He would take him down. What would the people of the magical world ever do without their leader? His wicked smile returned. Albert had held his position in this world long enough. It was time for him--for Serus--to rule this domain.

Kusa consulted his books, then began to chant. He performed the spell expertly. When he was finished with the incantation, he stood. Tendrils of black mist rose from the floor. They swirled around him until finally taking shape. A horrifying creature filled his vision.

"You called?" Malvado asked with a toothy grin.

Kusa trembled before him. He could feel the power he possessed radiating from his form. "I did. I seek your help in destroying Ignis."

"All you have to do is let me in."

He nodded. "Possess me then. I'm ready."

An unnatural laugh escaped him. "As you wish."

The demon spirit flew into Kusa's body. He drew a sharp breath, then collapsed on the floor. When he arose again, his eyes were no longer an icy blue. They were completely black. He looked at his body as if seeing it for the first time. He felt invincible.

"It's time for some good old-fashioned destruction," he said. His voice sounded normal at least. "The world is my oyster and I'm about to crack it wide open."

Leaving those words hanging in the air, he left. His next stop was Ignis. He was going to see just how much chaos he could rustle up and how long it would take The Five to show up and stop him.


Darkness had fallen and Freya still hadn't opened her eyes. Not one of the people at Cindermere had left her side for more than a few minutes. She was still laying on the couch with her head resting on Akashi's lap. Addey sat in front of him on the floor with Sasuke by her side. Divinity and Takuma were close by at the very end of the couch, and Joe and Sara occupied the same chair they always sat in. Hardly anyone spoke a word. They had been this way for a while. They all had dinner except Akashi and Takuma. They both refused to leave Freya alone, vowing they would eat after she woke up.

"I don't understand," Addey said, shattering the silence. "Why isn't she waking up? She's been healed and I saw her stir a couple of times."

"I don't know," Sasuke said. "She should be opening her eyes."

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