13. Something Is Coming

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It didn't take Joe long to get to Ignis. As soon as he was through the front door, he noticed something different. The guards at the door had multiplied. Where there was once only one, now there were three. An uneasy feeling settled within him. He walked the familiar path to Albert's office, his eyes peeled. He passed two sentinels and a man he didn't recognize heading out. The sentinels were in uniform, but the man with them was in plain clothes. He frowned, wondering where they were going. A few more steps and he would be at Albert's hallway. To his surprise, there were two guards at the door when he got to the office. He recognized both of them immediately.

"Tyler? Kate?"

Tyler grinned as soon as he saw him. "It's good to see you, Joe."

"Yes," Kate agreed. "It is good to see you, but what are you doing here?"

"Kate-" he said in a scolding tone.

She glared at him. "What? I trusted him with our baby's life."

Joe scratched his head awkwardly. It probably did seem strange to them to see him at Ignis when he was supposed to be at Cindermere. "Don't worry. Freya is safe."

"Good," Kate said. "I was worried something might have happened."

"No. She's doing well."

"What about the rest of The Five?" Tyler whispered, leaning close to him. "Have you found them?"

Joe nodded. "They're all safe."

"Great," he commented. "That's a relief."

"Albert filled us in on all he knows about them," Kate said quietly. "It made us feel a little better to know Freya got away before anyone could get to her."

Joe nodded. "Addey, too."

"She's one of them?"

"Yes. And you could have told me Freya was."

Both Tyler and Kate hung their heads in shame. It made sense to him why they hadn't trusted him--why they hadn't trusted anyone--because he hadn't told anyone either. The more people who knew, the more danger she was in. He couldn't bear to think about it.

"We're sorry," Kate apologized. "We didn't even tell Takuma." Sadness filled her eyes. "And now-" She buried her face in her hands, tiny sobs escaping her.

Confusion spread over Joe's face. "Did I miss something?"

"Takuma's partner was killed," Tyler explained. "And now he's missing. Albert told him to take some time off. He hasn't been home or called. We have no idea where he is."

Joe closed his eyes. He hadn't thought anything about it when he asked Takuma to stay. He hadn't had the chance to contact them with as much as Joe had been having to leave lately, reporting to Albert, following any leads he might have. When he opened his eyes again, he smiled. "You don't have to worry about Takuma. He's safe, too. He's with Freya."

Kate's head snapped up and Tyler stared at him in disbelief.

"I'm sorry. I haven't given him any time to notify you two. He's helping me protect The Five."

"We're so relieved," Tyler said. "Thank you for telling us."

"Safety is the reason we're guarding Albert's office," Kate revealed. "After Mason was killed and Takuma disappeared, Albert figured Serus went after him. He took us out of the field, fearing we were next on the list." She gazed at Tyler. "It's why we were beside ourselves with worry."

"I can imagine," Joe said. "I'll need to talk to Albert now. I have a lead."

"What kind of lead?" Tyler asked.

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