2. Bound

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Freya felt like the walking dead. She groaned as she rolled over to look at the clock on her nightstand. It was a little past seven, and she hadn't closed her eyes. Outside of her window, the sun was just beginning to peek through the trees standing in front of her house. She reached over the edge of the bed and grabbed her phone. She wanted to check it one last time before throwing her covers off and starting her day. She wasn't looking forward to the yell fest that was going to begin when her parents got up. Though, she deserved what she got for sneaking out in the middle of the night. She had a lot of time to think about it. It was stupid of her, even if she was glad she got the chance to say goodbye to Addey. She was already gone to wherever she was going, or she would have responded to her by now.

Freya got out of bed and headed toward the shower. Nice hot water would likely wake her up a little and prepare her for the lecture to come. She might even make breakfast for the whole family. She thought about it as she turned on the water and closed her eyes. None of them had to work today, and it might just win her some brownie points. Her mind was made up.

After her shower, she got dressed, brushed her teeth, grabbed her Rumi and wand, then went downstairs. The kitchen was pristine and organized, just the way her mom liked to keep it. She almost felt guilty for having to mess it up. Almost. She stuffed her phone in her pocket and put her wand in the holster she wore around her waist. Then she put her hands to work. Eggs, bacon, gravy, and biscuits were ready in no time. She put on a pot of coffee and let it do its job. One whiff and they wouldn't be able to stay asleep any longer.

It worked like a charm in five minutes flat.

Freya was just setting the table when her brother strolled in with a grin on his face, completely dressed. He pulled out his chair and took his seat just as she was pouring him a cup of coffee. She frowned at him, confusion invading her face. He was wearing his uniform.

"I thought you were off today," she said.

Takuma's smile faded. "Ignis called me late last night. Special circumstances have popped up. I gotta go in." His expression was grim. "There seems to have been a couple of murders."

Freya tensed. This couldn't have anything to do with what she and Addey discussed last night, could it? She tried to keep her tone as casual as possible. "Was it anyone I know?"

"They haven't released the names of the victims. Besides I can't tell you. You know I can't."

She shrugged. "I just thought I'd ask."

"It was nice of you to cook breakfast," he complimented. A sly grin spread across his lips. "But if you think this will sway mom and dad from scolding you, you're wrong. They're not about to forget what you did."

"I don't want them to forget," she said defensively. "I just want them to go easier on me than they would have if I hadn't cooked breakfast." She sat down at the table across from him and looked toward the kitchen door. She was sure the aroma of freshly brewed coffee would wake them if nothing else. "I wonder what's taking them so long."

"They probably got called in, too," Takuma said. There was half a piece of bacon hanging out of his mouth. "This is big. Director Vance didn't tell me much. He only said the one, or ones, responsible were looking for something we should be alarmed about."

"Oh," Freya said, taking a bite of her eggs. "Sounds very serious."

"Yeah, it does."

Silence fell between them as they continued to eat their breakfast. Takuma scarfed his down, barely taking a breath in between bites. He was done long before Freya was. He took his dishes to the sink and bent down to kiss his sister on the cheek.

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