Chapter 3

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Toy Bonnie's Pov:

Toy Bonnie poked his head out of the vent, waiting for the nightguard to see him. Within a few seconds, the vent light was turned on and the nightguard let out a shocked scream before slipping on the Freddy mask. This one's a quick learner. He might make it to night 3, Unlike the rest. Toy Bonnie remarked before walking in front of him and then dissappearing back into the vents. He heard the night guard mutter, "That's the second time she's gone through the vents."

Toy Bonnie frowned. Why did everyone mistake him for a girl?!

He walked out of the vent to see Foxy walking down the hallway to the main hall in front of the office.

"Took you long enough." Toy Bonnie smirked at Foxy and he heard him growl as he passed.

It was always amusing to annoy the Old Animatronics, they were so easily angered. Toy Bonnie spotted Toy Chica and walked up to her, "Going in the vents?"

Toy Chica nodded, "Yup, then I'm gonna take Foxy's place in the hall. See if he likes it!"

Toy Bonnie grinned and said, "Okay, cool. I'll be hanging out in Party room 1. See ya." He waved and walked off.


Mangle's Pov:

Mangle crawled into the vents, her radio sound echoed loudly through them. She peeked into the office and waited for Jeremy, the night guard to see her. When he did, he jumped in his chair and groaned softly before putting on the Freddy head.

It's funny how he thinks that he can scare us off with a dumb freddy head. We only let him think that to make it fun. Mangle chuckled in her head and crawled back out of the vents.

She decided to hang out in the Parts/Service room to give Jeremy another fright. She crawled inside and slip up the wall and hung off the ceiling in front of the camera.

Mangle saw that all the Old versions were there eccept for Foxy. She wondered where Foxy was so she left the Parts/Service room and crawled along the ceiling until she saw Foxy in the hall.

The rapid flashes of Jeremy's torch made Mangle laugh softly. She stayed up on the ceiling, in the shadows, watching Foxy. His russet coloured fur and hook made him look so... Handsome and strong.

Suddenly, Toy Freddy appeared and tapped Mangle, "Hey. Stop watching that pirate or I'll make you."

Mangle frowned, "I can do what I want."

Toy Freddy laughed, "No. You can't. I choose what you do, I'm the leader."

"No Golden Freddy is." Mangle retorted and dropped to the ground to stare Toy Freddy straight in the eye.

"That ruined, old animatronic can't do anything. It's me who should lead. I'd get rid of those Old versions for good, then we will finally be at peace." Toy Freddy's eyes flashed from their normal electric blue to pitch black with white irises.

Uh oh.

Mangle quickly exited the hall and dashed to where the Part rooms were. She saw Toy Bonnie walk out of Party Room 1 and he glanced up at Mangle who was still up on the ceiling, "What's up? Besides you." He flashed a small grin from his joke.

Mangle rolled her eyes at Toy Bonnie's joke and said, "Just a heads up, Toy Freddy's in his possessed mode again. He looks like he's going to explode!"

Toy Bonnie sighed, "He's so power crazy..." then he shrugged, "Oh well, I got to go. Bye." He walked off in the direction of the vents and Mangle was left alone.

Then Ballon Boy appeared. "Hi!" He greeted cheerily, "Need company?"

"Uh, sure." Mangle nodded and crawled down the wall and onto the floor beside Balloon Boy. She gently traced her hand over the boy animatronic's sign and smiled.

Ballon Boy sat down and started fiddling with his hat, spinning it around. "I guess you've seen Toy Freddy..?"

"Yes." Mangle answered, "Has he done anything to regret yet?"

"Not yet." Just as Ballon Boy said that, an animatronic's scream filled the air. Followed by another one. "I take that back." Balloon Boy whispered and Mangle quickly rose to her paws and dashed along the walls to the hall where Toy Freddy and Foxy were tumbling on the ground.

Mangle was about to go and help but suddenly, Golden Freddy appeared and broke up the two fighting animatronics, "Enough!!" He yelled at the two.

Mangle snuck a glance down the hall to see Jeremy inside the office. A very confused look on his face. The torch light shone down the hall, Toy Freddy, Golden Freddy and Foxy right in the middle of it.

Golden Freddy glared at Foxy and Toy Freddy, "Go to Marionette, Now! I'm sick of cleaning up your mess!!"

Then he turned to the office. Jeremy was still staring in shock.

What do they do now?

Golden Freddy quickly dissappeared out of sight and everyone melted into the shadows. Eventually, Jeremy turned off the torch and continued his night.


Foxy's Pov:

Marionette had locked Foxy inside the Parts/Service room for two days. Toy Freddy wasn't allowed off The Stage for two days. It was unfair, it wasn't even Foxy's fault that the fight had started. Toy Freddy had walked up to him while he was in front of the office and started an argument which then led to a fight.

It was embarrassing, to be honest, but Foxy didn't let that show as he had stood boldly in front of The Puppet as his punishment was given.

Toy Freddy, on the other hand, had been begging Marionette to go easy on him and gave countless reasons why. It annoyed Foxy terribly and as he sat back against the wall of his corner in the Parts/Service room, he let all of his rage spill out of him.

He grabbed the nearest thing beside him, his colouring book from Mangle, and tore it to shreds. When the only thing left of the colouring book was a pile of ripped paper, Foxy finally calmed down.

Old Chica had watched Foxy silently as he ripped up the colouring book, her violet eyes blinking calmly. She spoke up, breaking the deafening silence inside the dark room, "What h-haaapened?"

Foxy sighed softly, "Toy Freddy started a fight with me in front of the night guard. Marionette won't let me out of here for two days. Today, tonight and the next day."

Old Freddy powered on suddenly and looked at Foxy with sympathetic eyes, "I told you to keep your distance from the new versions. Their immature, they cannot stop their rage like us. It makes them mindless and stupid."

Foxy nodded, "Toy Freddy also mentioned he wanted to take over from Golden Frdddy. I wonder how that will end?"

Old Chica let out a werid-sounding laugh, "Horribly."

"True." Old Freddy agreed and smiled softly, "Toy Freddy has always been ambitious. Soon he will know his place in the resturant."

Foxy smirked, "Yup; the dump."

Old Chica let out another strangled laugh and nodded, "I would lo-love to see that- Pizza!" She frowned suddenly at her outburst. "Dumb voiccce box..."

Old Freddy laughed, "I wouldn't mind some pizza right now... If that was what you were implying."

Old Chica just shook her head with a grin again and glanced at Old Bonnie. The purple bunny was watching the conversation silently.

Foxy leaned his head back against the wall and whispered, "I might as well power down for now. Get some rest." He closed his bright yellow eyes and felt his mind go blank.


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