Chapter 6

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Jeremy Fitzgerald's Pov: (Because why not? :3)

It was 6:13pm when Jeremy woke up. He yawned and slipped out of bed. His movements were sluggish and zombie-like as he made his way down the steps of the two floor, semi-detached building he called home. He reached the kitchen and opened the fridge. His eyes scanned the contents of the fridge before taking out some leftover pizza he got from Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. A plus for working in that wretched place meant he had a huge discount on anything they sold there.

He grabbed a plate from the sink and placed it on the table and then putting the pizza on it. He poured himself a glass of apple juice before sitting down to eat at his small wooden table, alone.

The Nyan Cat song started playing all of a sudden, signalling Jeremy's phone was ringing. He reached over the table and picked it up. He flipped it open and stared at the screen to see it was Jace. He quickly pressed answer and put the phone to his ear, "Yello?"

"Hey Jeremy, I was wondering if you wanted to come to Mike's 6th birthday party in a few days. It's at that pizza place where you work so I figured you could do some kind of special thing with the animatronics since your an employee there...?" Jace asked.

Jeremy shrugged even through Jace couldn't see him doing it, "Uh sure, man, what day is the party?"


Jeremy glanced at the calendar to see it was Thurday and replied, "Sure."

"Okay, got to go. Bye." And the line cut.

Jeremy sighed and placed his phone back on the table and began eating his pizza.


Toy Chica's Pov:

The resturant closed down as the sun began to set and Toy Chica glanced over at Toy Freddy to see he was shaking. She leaned over and glanced at the brown bear's eyes, they flashed from blue to black. "You can fight it Freddy. Just a little longer..." she whispered softly and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Toy Freddy jerked beneath her grip and spun around to face her, "Don't tell me what to do!" His face was stony and emotionless. His eyes still flickered from blue to black but it was obvious he had little fight left.

"Freddy. Stop!" Toy Chica begged and locked gazes with the possesed animatronic.

Toy Bonnie laced his hands around Toy Chica's shoulders and pulled her backwards. "Careful, Chica." He hissed in her ear, "You can't stop him now."

Toy Freddy growled angrily but didn't move.

Then, one of the staff appeared. It was the lady that sold the toys and plushies for the resturant. Her blonde hair was tied in a tight bun and her hazel coloured eyes stared at Toy Freddy in shock. A man, the chef, followed her and froze. His face turned to a solemn expression as he watched Toy Freddy in silence.

Everyone was deathly still; if Toy Freddy was angered he would wreck everything and probably kill someone in the process.

Then the day guard appeared and did the worst thing he could have possibly done:

He yelled.

"Freddy, get back in your place!" His voice dripped with annoyance and anger.

That did it.

Toy Freddy's eyes stopped flickering and stayed midnight black with creepy white irises. He glared furiously as the day guard before lunged for him, letting out a screech. But before he could reach the man a russet coloured shape darted between them, letting out a screech of its own, and knocked Toy Freddy over. The two animatronics wrestled in the ground with angry screeches and ferocious growls.

Toy Chica saw the glint of a hook a realised it was Foxy attacking Toy Freddy. That old pirate would risk his own life for the day guard?! Toy Chica and Toy Bonnie stood in complete shock as the two continued to attack each other.

Then a purple shape joined in with another loud screech followed by Old Freddy and Old Chica. Toy Chica recognised the purple blur as Old Bonnie and watched in astonishment as together, the four old animatronics wrestled Toy Freddy to the ground.

The staff just watched, perplexed, as together the four held a screeching Toy Freddy down.


Foxy's Pov:

Foxy grabbed at Toy Freddy's left hand but his grip slipped and the writhing bear managed to strike Foxy in the stomach. He flew backwards a few feet and fell hard on his back, the wind knocked out of him.

He glanced over at the staff. They were still standing their like idiots. "Get out of here!" Foxy hissed at them and at last, they obeyed and darted out of the room and towards the exit.

Foxy rose shakily to his paws. This impact from Toy Freddy's punch seemed to have broken something in Foxy's endoskeleton and it hurt to move but he shrugged off the pain and approached Toy Freddy.

The shiny brown bear was finally restrained, thanks to Old Freddy's strength. Foxy stalked towards Toy Freddy and scowled down at him, "What was that for?!"

Toy Freddy's eyes were still black and emotionless and the only thing he said was a muffled snarl.

"What do we do? The night guard will be here soon." Foxy looked at Old Freddy for guidance.

"We could lock him in the Parts/Service room?" Foxy spun around to see Mangle had entered the room. She was handing from the wall, watching the scene below her.

Old Freddy nodded, "After this night, we'll take him to Marionette."

"Or take him to me." A deep voice echoed around the room and Golden Freddy appeared from thin air in front of the group. The yellow bear stared at each animatronic with a fiery gaze before finally letting his gaze land on Toy Freddy, who had calmed down slightly but still had possesed eyes.

Foxy hung his head slightly and backed away to stand next to Mangle. She smiled encouragingly at him and Foxy felt a flash of confidence. Mangle always brightened his day, even if she just smiled. Any simple action from her made Foxy feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Golden Freddy paced the room thoughfully, most likely coming up with a good enough punishment for Toy Freddy. Finally, he grinned before saying to everyone, "Toy Freddy can't be hurt or dissappear otherwise people would get suspicious. So we need to be clever about this... How about we lock him in the Parts/Service room, like Mangle suggested, for every night so that he cannot take part in playing with the night guard. In the morning, before the resturant opens, we put him back on stage like nothing ever happened."

Foxy shrugged, "Sounds okay for me."

Golden Freddy turned to stare at Foxy with his soulless black eyes, "It sounds okay for you? Okay?!" He nearly growled and Foxy took a hesitant step back.

"No, no I meant I love the idea. Perfect idea. Great idea. Brilliant idea, Goldy- Golden Freddy." He stopped himself from using Golden Freddy's nickname.

Golden Freddy smirked, "You're so jumpy lately Foxy. It's hilarious to joke with you."

The other animatronics let out small chuckles and Foxy scowled but they were quickly silenced when Toy Freddy suddenly broke free from Old Freddy's grip and charged straight at Foxy...


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