Chapter 1

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       I woke up In my bed, it was night from the look of the lighting in the cave. I got up, flexed my claws. I stretched my arms, legs, and tail. I yawned, then started towards the mouth of the cave to see what all the noise that woke me up was about. When I looked out, I saw everyone in Shadow Clan running everywhere. The warriors were fighting people with human weapons dressed in black from head to toe. The Shadow Clan warriors were dropping like flies. I tour my gaze away from the warriors and to the houses and fleeing Shadow Clan. Everything was on fire, the people screaming Panic rising in my chest. I backed up, then stopped when my eyes landed on my parents. My Mom was on the ground. My Dad standing over her, Facing one of the people dressed in black. There were a few loud cracks. My Dad fell back. My Mom was getting up to get to get to him but there was another crack and Mom fell back. My parents unmoving. I knew what had happened to them but I didn't want to believe it. I turned back and ran back into the cave. I went to the back of the cave and tried to make myself as small as possible. Praying that is all just a bad dream and that I would wake up soon. I heard someone coming into the cave. I curled my tail around my feet and shut my eyes tight. I heard a clicking sound. I slowly looked up and saw a person dressed in black standing over me. Pointing a pistol at me. I looked at the end of the barrel and cold fear ran down me from the top of my ears to the tip of my tail. I couldn't move. I was petrified. I let out a small whimper of fear. The person took off it's goggles on it's head, and let them fall to the ground. I looked back at the person and I saw two blue female, human eyes. She looked at me with a sympathetic expression, or maybe that was just wishful thinking. She lowered her weapon, put it away. She raised her hands partially so I could see her palms. Then said something I couldn't understand. More people in black came in behind her. They pointed their weapons at me, but she turned around and said something to the others and they lowered their weapons. She turned back to me and slowly walked closer. She crouched in front of me. She slowly extended her arms towards me. I synced no hostility from her so I hesitantly trusted her. She gently scooped me up in her arms. She turned, grabbed her goggles and got up and we left the cave. She gave me her goggles to hold. Maybe I should try and break for the trees and hide in the forest till they leave then go to one of the other Clans and ask if I could stay with them. No that wouldn't work I'd be shot before I hit the ground. I thought. She was constantly telling me something. But I couldn't understand her no matter how hard I tried. But she was so warm and the movement of her walking, I drifted off to sleep. I woke up on a soft bed. There were unfamiliar sounds and smells all around me. There was a voice next to me but I couldn't understand what it was saying. I opened my eyes but I didn't dare move. I only moved my eyes around taking in my surroundings. I was curled in a very comfortable position. Then the voice stopped and was replaced with an unfamiliar voice. My ears pricked when I heard it. Then the voices stopped. The fur on my back began to rise. I knew I made a mistake pricking my ears. I heard footsteps approaching me. Panic began to rise in my chest with every footstep coming closer. It was all I could do not to get up and run. I did my best to stay still. I closed my eyes. A few seconds later the footsteps stopped. Something brushed against my fur on my left side. I didn't flinch to my relief. The unfamiliar voice was right in front of me. Then a familiar voice said something. It came from behind me. I felt something petting me, from the top of my head to my back. The motion was constant.My stress and fear began to ease slowly. I risked opening my eyes and saw a male human dressed in blue. He had blue gloves on. I lowered my ears to my head. My fur began to bristle again. I took a bigger risk and tensed my muscles and jumped up, turned around and ran to the familiar voice.I ran into familiar gentle hands of the woman that found me. I looked up at her. She was no longer dressed in black but in a black t-shirt, blue jeans, crystal blue eyes and brown hair. She said something to me in a soothing voice but I couldn't understand it. But for some reason, I trust her completely. She put me back down on the bed and I sat there looking in her eyes calming down. The man came over and put something in my ear. I flinched but the woman said something I guessed was don't flinch. So I tried my best to stay still. The man checked my ears, mouth, fur, length of my claws and the length of my tail.All of which were not very big because I was only 7 years old. When the man left she sat next to me , petted me and said something. She got up and motioned for me to follow. I got up and walked over. I stopped in the doorway, grabbed the edge with my hands and peeked around the corner. Not trusting the area that I was in. Then I quickly followed behind her. When I caught up to her she had a piece of meat and an apple. She held them out to me. I chose the apple. I ate then I followed her back to the bed. She set me down on the bed, then got under the covers herself. I didn't realize how tired I was till I closed my eyes. Then I drifted off to sleep. 

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