chapter 2

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 A few months later I was starting to learn the human language. I could say a few words too. I found out that the female's name was Hannah. Hannah figured out my name through what she called charades. I woke up and sat up to see if Hannah was still in the bed. She was. I quietly got up and went down stairs. I sat down by the window. I got used to being awake during the day. I looked up at the sky and was overtaken by grief. Remembering what had happened to my family, friends, and community. I couldn't stop the flood of emotions. My family taught me to suppress my emotions and use them as energy for the shadows. I sat there for what felt like hours just crying silently and alone. When I heard footsteps on the stairs, I immediately wiped my eyes and face. I forced my emotions to calm down. Good morning, Hannah said. Not trusting myself to speak, I waved. After breakfast Hannah asked, You've been offley quiet this morning, Is everything ok? Yes. I'm fine. I lied. Well, Ok. Anyway I have to go back to work. So I'm going to have to leave you at the lab. Will you be ok? She asked. Yeah as long as they don't stick me with any needles. I teased. Well ok. Hannah said. I have to wear a black hoodie for you to wear, so no one will look at you like you're crazy like last time. Thanks Hannah. I said. Yeah, no problem Fang. I put on the hoodie. Then we got in the car and she drove me to the lab. When she left from the lab. I walked in and one of Hannah's friends brought me into a room with a table and a chair. She told me to sit and wait. That someone would be there In a few minutes. So I sat there. When she left, I started using one of my ShadowClan abilities called mimicking. It's where I use my voice to sound like things I've heard before in the past and imitate it. So I started imitating fallen angels. I stopped when I heard the click of the door opening. The woman walked in, the one that left me. She had a shock expression on her face. The fur on the back of my neck began to bristle. What's wrong? I asked. Jumping up. She walked in and asked how did you do that thing with your voice. A sharp cold heat ran up my spine. WHat do you mean? I asked,Testing her. That song you were singing. She said. I was Just singing a song that I heard. Did I do something wrong? I asked. NO! She exclaimed. That was amazing. I heard that song before and you matched the vocals perfectly. How? She asked. Knowing I couldn't get out of it I told her.It's one of my clan's abilities, sort of like a mockingbird? She asked. No, I said. It's completely different. I told her. Oh. She said. Can you do it again? She asked. I shook my head. No sorry, I have stage fright. I told her. Oh. Well I can go out of the room. She said. I shook my head again. The only reason I did it was because I thought no one could hear me. But now I can, so sorry but no I can't. I said. Ok well can you do anything else? She asked. I didn't answer. She left after that. I was careful about how I acted for the rest of the day. When Hannah came to pick me up and we got in the car. While she was driving she asked me, So my friend tells me you can copy things? Only if I hear them. I admitted. Looking away. No you don't have to be ashamed of it, it's really cool. I looked at her. Can you do it for me? Hannah asked. Please? She begged. Ok. I said. Then I mimicked Hannah's favorite bird, a Blue Jay. Oh. She said. My friend told me that you could imitate people. I can, I admitted I can mimic anything I hear. I told her. Can you imitate me? She asked. Clearly excited. Sure I said, in my normal voice. Can you imitate me I copied in Hannah's voice. Wow that's so cool. Hannah said. Thanks I said in my regular voice. When we got back to the house I went to the bathroom to look in the mirror. I wasn't feeling good and I knew I overexerted my vocal cords to my shadows. Then I coughed into my hand. I tasted something metallic. I looked at my hand and saw it was covered in blood. NOT AGAIN! I thought. I quickly washed my hands and mouth. Then I unconsciously touched the scar on my left side. My mimicking must have agitated my wound too. I thought. I walked over to Hannah. Is everything ok? She asked. Yeah, I lied. Just a little homesick. That's all.

Well we could go back to your home and get some things of yours. She said. Ok. I said excited, but also reluctant. We'll go tomorrow. Hannah said walking up the stairs to her room. Thanks Hannah. I said. No problem Fang. She said. I curled up on the floor and fell asleep.

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