Chapter 6

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 The old man said, I am terribly sorry for the way my daughter has been acting, coming into your clan's territory and terrorizing you. Thank you. I said. Then I continued, ''Who are you?

I am the chief elder and the leader of night clan. He replied. I tensed. Please don't be afraid if I wanted to hurt you I would have already done so. Fair point. I said. And I except you apology. Hey Fang could you help me with this wall it's trying to fall on me. I flinched. A friend? The elder asked. Yes. you could say we are good friends. Well can I meet her? He asked. Uh..... I think you might already know her. Hey um yeah I'm coming. I ran down as fast as I could. Sabien! I said. The leader of your clan is here and he heard you! I told her. Not to mention Haven and some seven warriors from your clan. She tensed. Then sighed. It was bound to happen at some point better now than later. Everyone came down. Sabien was on the inside of the house pushing on the wall so it would stay upright while I pinned it into place. Then Sabien came out and faced the elder. SABIEN! He yowled in surprise. What on earth are you doing here? I'm helping my friend Fang rebuild his village to make up for what Haven has done. But then we became good friends and now I'm helping him because I want to. She explained. Please don't be mad and don't take this away from me. She begged.I have never seen her like this. I thought in bewilderment. He is the only friend I have besides Haven who no one likes because of how aggressive she is. No offence Haven. She said. None taken, Haven replied. I walked up beside her. The elder looked thoughtfully at her for a moment and said, a friendship with another person from another clan can mean an alliance with them, so I 'm not mad just a little disappointed that you didn't tell me before I found out is all. Me and Sabien sighed in relief in unison. Thank you. I said to the leader. And what is your name that I should call you by.? I asked. You can call me John Night. He replied. Well thank you John Night. I said. As long as you don't hurt or disrespect.... Come on please stop. Sabien said.... Then we won't have a problem. John continued. As long as you keep the warriors and especially Haven then we'll be fine. I told him. That can be arranged, he said. Thanks I said to John.

That night, I was getting ready to go to bed. I heard footsteps. My hand went to my dagger. Then I heard an excited squeal. I relaxed and let my hand fall to my side. Sabien came into the room. What is it, I chuckled? I asked if I could spend the night here and John said yes! Sabien said in an excited voice. That's great, I told her. Then she calmed down and she was as ready to go to bed as I was. Well, I started, I don't have an extra bed. I told her, but I can sleep on the floor and you can have the bed. I told her kindly. No, we can both sleep on the bed. She said sleepily. Ok, I replied. "She must have brothers". I thought to myself. We both got into the bed and she fell asleep fast. But I didn't. That's because I didn't want to wake her if I had one of my crazy nightmares that end with me waking up screaming in a cold sweat. Also I Didn't want to move and wake her. But before I could think about the nightmare situation too much Sabien turned in her sleep and put her arm around me and her slow soft breathing on my neck lulled me to sleep. 

"Sorry for the short chapter but I have a lot of things right now."

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