Chapter nine: Avoidence

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The events of last night rushed back to Aoi when she woke up. She looked in the mirror beside her bed and her face looked as if she'd been crying all night. She walked home alone last night, Insouke suddenly disappeared and Aoi was very annoyed. Aoi didn't understand, she was surely over what happened. She still felt like there was something missing in her life, of course it was her soulmate, but something else it was like she longed to see someone. Aoi and Kanao walked in silence. Tanjiro told her what happened, but they didn't talk yet.

" Aoi I'm sorry", Kanao said.

Aoi smiled at her.

" Kanao I'm the one that needs to say sorry I was careless and it's all okay now".

" But I still feel like I could have done better by telling you", she said.

Aoi walked closer to her and hugged her.

" You did nothing wrong, you are my best friend and always will be my best friend."

" That makes me glad", Kanao said and smiled.

Aoi and Kanao walked inside and proceeded to their lockers.

" Hey girls", Tanjiro said.

" Hi Tanjiro", Kanao said to him.

Aoi just smiled. She talked to Tanjiro and assured him everything was alright.

" Aoi we looked for Inosuke everywhere last night after you left", Tanjiro said worried.

" He was nowhere to be found", Zenitsu added.

" Oh", Aoi said.

She wanted to see Inosuke and talk to him.

" I'm sure he'll turn up sometime then you can talk to him", Kanao said.

Aoi nodded and placed her things in her locker.

Timeskip One week

Inosuke didn't come to school for a week. Everyone was worried about him, but believed he would show up soon. Aoi felt the need to see him, she'd never felt this before. Just to see him again she'd give her most valuable possessions. But. Why? Why would she? She's known him for so long, but never really felt this way towards him. Aoi decided that afterschool she'd go to his house and look for him.

Aoi approached his house and knocked on the door. She felt nervous and hoped that someone would open it. No one opened. Aoi tried every single day afterschool. No one opened. She didn't give up, she wouldn't give up until she could see him again.

There was a lot of chattering in the halls the next day, Aoi didn't mind it and proceeded to her locker.

" INOSUKE!", she heard someone scream.

Aoi immediately stood up and turned around with wide eyes. Inosuke was there, he looked upset. Tanjiro walked up to him and started asking him questions but he ignored and ran to Zenitsu. He was smiling and laughing and acting like his normal self. Tanjiro had a weird expression on his face. Inosuke was ignoring him, but why? He glanced at Aoi and she felt butterflies in her stomach. He walked up to her and Kanao and he said hi to Kanao but walked right past Aoi. He was avoiding her as well. The whole day it was like that, he was talking normally to everyone but when Tanjiro and Aoi appear he makes up an excuse and leaves.

It wasn't easy for Insouke to ignore the girl he loves and his best friend, but he doesn't want to get in the way of their relationship; he wishes them the best as soulmates.

Oh no! Insouke believes they are soulmates! Did you guys like this chapter? While writing this chapter I was so stuck and had no ideas. My wonderful friend came in and saved me! @Meenameanie gave me some amazing ideas and helped me write this chapter! She is an amazing author and writer! Thank you so much!

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