17: Prophecy of a dared girl

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We didn't use the ladder like the last time. Instead, we used the front door. The guard wasn't as surpised as I thought he should be. I'm guessing Edmund had done this countless times before. That explains why he has a pretty long ladder hidden in the spare room I was in. Figures, he must've been lurking into the woods every night.

When we came into the living room, we were greeted by The Queens. Queen Susan was wearing her stern expression, She acted as her brother had just comitted a crime. Had we done something wrong?

Oh yeaah..We went into the woods.

But her expression changed instantly when she saw me. The stern was now replaced by a warm smile.

Queen Lucy on the other hand was smiling brightly at me. She's so adorable. I smiled back and waved a little before following Edmund to greet them. 

"Hello!" Lucy greeted, her british accent was revealing. 

"Hi," I greeted back, my inner fangirl was extremely excited. 

"May I know what her name is?" She pointed the question to her brother. Wait...I think I didn't tell him my name. 

"You may call her the fair maiden, sister." It was ironically sweet. Lucy burst out laughing. 

"You're bad at name calling!" She teased him, Edmund made a face and mimicked the same sentences Lucy said. "You're bad at name calling.." He emphasized the word 'calling' in a girlish tone.

Both, Susan and I sniffed a laugh.

"Edmund could be so childish sometimes," Stated Susan as she walked towards me. "You must be the maiden ... the one who was snatched by the raven," She stated once more. I nodded in response.

"May I know your name?" She asked, fangirl alert! 

"I'm Wilma N. William, from somewhere in your past world." She jolted at the end of my words.

"You mean, you're from our world? How did you get yourself here?" Curiousity overwhelmed her. Everyone's attention was on me.

Gulp. I'm not used to this.

I sighed. "I don't know exactly how... But I do remember I was sucked in a book when I was in the library," 

They stood there, all zombie-like confused what I had just said. "I'm still figuring out why I'm here too," I stated. "I'm not the only one here you know." I recalled back my encounter with Brent the other day...and the creepy thought of Elvie's chortle. 

"Her friend was captured by the witch, Susan. Not their queen though, it's one of her peers." Edmund stated by my behalf. Her face turned serious.

So...Elvie's a witch? By the thought of it, it literally blew my mind away. I've been best friends with a witch...for four years. So, that meant I wasn't delusional about her mismatched eyes the other day?


"We have to prepare our armies. Another war is coming soon," Susan stated.

"Why is that Susan?" Lucy asked. "Is the prophecy truly revealing its self?" Her eyes widen, she shifted her sight to me and she smiled. "So that means

...You're Mya," She blurted. 

How did she know that?

I was left speechless. Susan saw my expression changed and immediately explained about the prophecy. 

"A water nymph had been delieverd by Aslan a few years back, she has delievered a prophecy that would soon be fulfiled judging by the main hero is here now," A smile crawled on her face. Was she referring it to me? 

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