🌸~Chapter 2~🌸

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~🌸~ (Y/N)S POV ~🌸~

When we got to there home I realized they lived really close where my tent is, but I didnt tell them where I lived so I'm not a burden. When Yuki opened the doors yuki yelled we are home. I took off my footing and started to fallow the three to the living room "oh look at the little ones, how was your day?" I hear a man ask the three. "It was good because we actually met someone." Said Tohru. "Oh and who this new person you have met?" The man asks seriously and that's when Tohru singled me to come over. I showed myself to the man and I see what he looks like.



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"H-hello sir...my name is (Y/N) Hona. It's a pleasure to meet you." I said when I gave him a bow. "Shigure Sohma, it's a pleasure to meet you as well. And your quite a beautiful girl if I say so myself." Shigure said with a smile. B-BEAUTIFUL!? I said to myself but then I started to feel tension.  "Don't be weird Shigure." Said Yuki looking real annoyed. He has alot of energy to give his aura that much heaviness. Shigure chuckles a bit "Well I'm the older cousin of Kyo and Yuki," He gave his hand out and I shake it but when I touched his hand, there was the strange energy once again. What is this feeling I keep on having today? But a question came into my mind. "Is Tohru apart of the family as well?" I asked letting go of Shigures hand. shigure smiles. "She moved in with us not that long ago. But you can say shes apart of our family." When he said that I understand a little bit more now. Everyone sat down and Tohru started to make some tea. "So (Y/N), do you live far from school?" Shigure asked politely. I looked at him in shock and then soften but with a sad look. "I, actually live right near you guys." They all stopped and even Tohru. "Is something wrong?" I asked a bit worried. "No is just, we own this land and we never been told someone lives near here." Said Shigure, I sweated a bit and looked a bit nervous. Then Kyo spoke. "Do you live in a tent or something?" He asked straight out. My eyes widen in fear that he figured it out but then Yuki kicked him in the lake. I looked at Kyo who came above the water in the lake. "oh no, Kyo!" I got up and ran to him, he got his body out from the lake and I saw a big line mark that was bleeding a bit. "Are you ok?" I asked and he was about to move away but then I stopped him. "Stay here." I said and I went to grab my bag and take the first aid kit out of it when I did I went back to Kyo and started to clean his mark and wrap it up so it wouldn't get infect. "there better!" I said happily and he tsk. "whatever." Kyo said sounding like doesnt care. I giggled. Walking back to my seat and Kyo went to get change out of his wet clothes. Shigure spoke and looked at me with a smile. "so I apologize for what happened, but do you live in a tent?" he asked and I see Yuki glaring at him. "No is ok Yuki." I said worried and shaking my hands back and forth. I put my hand down and looked back at Shigure. "I do, but I'm doing alright, please don't worry about it," I said and Shigure smiled. "You know what, how about you stay with us if you're ok with it." Said Shigure, My eyes widen. "didn't I say don't worry about it!?" i said with a huff up cheeks and He chuckled. "yes but im willing to let you stay with us, we have an extra room. So is not an issue." I just stared. Was this really happening, I'm going to live with the Sohma family and Tohru? I said to myself, I smiled. "Thank you, so. Much." I started to feel dizzy and felt like alot if my energy immediately was took out of my body I started to fall backwards when I was still sitting but before I fully lost consciousness I hear a yell if someone yelling my name. And it turned all black.

~🌸~ Yuki's POV ~🌸~

When the information of (Y/N) living with us came out, she started to look sick or weaken and She started to fall backwards I stood up to grab her and was able to grab hold of her before she hit the floor. She looked a bit pale and it started to get me worried. I was able to carry her when Shigure opened the door for me to her new room. Tohru was really kind to clean this room as well. I put her on the bed and Tohru brought a cloth and put it on her head. I sighed and Tohru spoke. "I hope she's going to be okay." She said worriedly. And I looked down. "I hope she is as well," I said now looking at her with pity.

~🌸~ Night Time ~🌸~

~🌸~ Shigure's POV ~🌸~

When (Y/N) passed out, Tohru and Yuki were really worried about her, and even Kyo showed worried, when I first met (Y/N) she had the same energy of Tohru but I offered to take care of her when the others should sleep for school the next morning. When I would change her towel I would see her sleeping peacefully.



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But her peaceful face started to change like she was having a bad dream, not moving her body, but the face expression of pain, "mommy, daddy." She said in a sad soft tone, I looked at her and put my hand on one of hers. She gripped on it softly and it made me tense up. "Don't leave, I, need you." She said once more with tears leaving her face. I started to feel like i know what she was dreaming but didnt want to feed into her dreaming. I moved my hand away from hers softly and wiping her tears away. "Your okay now. Just hope you get better." I said quietly leaving the room and closing the door behind me

~🌸~ the next day the evening ~🌸~

when I was reading today newspaper, I hear Kyo yelling at Yuki and I sigh. "come on Kyo, you're going to wake up (Y/N)." I said and Kyo shushed. I chuckled from the other side of the newspaper. but then Kyo went upstairs. I think he was going to check on (Y/N). Tohru sat down and I could feel she was looking at me. "Is she doing alright Shigure?" she asked concerned, I look at her and smiled. "she's doing a bit better." she looked at me concerned but then I told her what happened. she looked sad, I smiled. "but don't worry, I think she's alright, she still has you guys, remember that, ok?" I said and then she understood.

its been a couple of hours and Tohru was making dinner. I started to hear footsteps coming down the stairs and going through the hall to the living room and that's when we saw (Y/N). she looked a bit better than before and that made me smile. "hello miss, Hona, how are you feeling?" I asked and she sat down looking at me. "I'm much better, thank you for asking Shigure." and I smiled. "you should know that the three of them was worried of you." her face was so cute and she was blushing and look embarrassed. and the three looked embarrassed as well and it made me chuckle with my eyes closed but when I opened them. I see (Y/N) giving such a bright, loving smile, I'm happy that she met those three but I knew I had to tell Akito about (Y/N) sooner or later. But for some reason, just by looking at her.

shes going to change us all.

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