🌸~ Chapter 3 ~🌸

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~🌸~ (Y/N)S POV ~🌸~

It's been a 2 weeks since I moved in with the Sohma's and Tohru. I was able to move everything I had to my new room in the house, I had made the room to look like home it took me a bit to finish because there was things I needed to grab that would make the room more nice but I always had the bad luck of showing up late and the store would be sold out but I was happy about how it looked. I hear a knock on my door when I was just making my bed "Come in." I said. When the door opened it was Yuki. "Hello Miss Hona, how's your decorating your room going? He asked and I smiled. "I just finished, what do you think?" He looked around and smiled. "It looks amazing." He said with a smile, I don't know why but his smile always made me want to smile. Maybe it was the feeling of warmth I felt when he smiled, or I just wanted to, I never knew why. I was too deep into my thought that it made Yuki move close to me. "Miss. Hona? You ok?" After a few seconds I blinked and looked at him. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that." I said feeling bad. But he just smiled and said. "It's alright, now would you like to go to the store with me to get a couple things for Tohru?" He asked but before I spoke Kyo kicked my door open the pressure of the kick broke the door and I started to sweat. "M-my door." I said sadly but then Kyo spoke. "Today I'm going to fight you! Right now!" He said and Yuki started to taunt Kyo and that really got him more pissed, he was about to attack Kyo. "Kyo stop!" I said and he didn't listen. He passed me but then I grabbed his wrist that had his bracelet and my eyes widen, small glimpse of images went through my vision but then it stopped to one part I could fully saw.

Kyo being surrounded by people and I started to hear them talking so badly about him, but something caught my attention when one of the people spoke. "Who would even want to be near someone who is cursed by the year of the zodiac cat?" And that's when I knew it was true. When I touched Yuki and Kyo, when I felt that ora, the energy of a zodiac. But what was wrong if being one of the zodiac? That's when I felt pressure in my head and it turned all black and didn't see the little Kyo anymore.

I woke up on my bed and I look beside me to see Yuki, he was laying his head down on the bed. "Yuki?" When I said his name he lifted his head up. "Miss. Hona, are you ok?" I looked at him, I didn't know what to say. "Where's Kyo? What happened?" He turned away and started to speak. "He's in his room, why do you ask?" He asked and I looked at him with a smile. "Nothing, sorry that I fainted." I said while rubbing the back of my head and started to faint laugh, he just sighed. He turned his head to me and smiled warmly. "Well I'm glad your ok miss Hona" said Yuki, I smiled. When Yuki got up I did as well and if allowed him down stairs and sat beside on the table with the others. It was getting dark, Kyo was laying down side ways and he was looking outside, I had a pity looking face. When Shigure started to piss off Kyo about him being a hot head and teasing him he left the room and went for a walk. I got up. "I'm going to talk to him." I said and when I turned to the door Shigure said something. "Just be careful, he's a big hot head." I didn't responded but I left the house to catch up with Kyo, he was walking in the forest and when I got into the forest as well I started to look for him. "Kyo? Kyo where are you?" I said his name. But that's when I saw Kyo sitting on the rock holding his knees. I walked closer to him, and I gave eyes of pity. "Kyo?" He jumped and fell from the rock he stood up from the fall. "Why the hell you sneak up on me!?" I flinch. "I'm sorry." I said and he groaned. "It's fine, just don't do that next time." It was silent but he sat on the rock once again. "Can I sit with you?" I asked and he sighed. "Go ahead." He said a bit more calmer. When I sat beside him I looked at him. "Are you ok?" He then looked at me but then looked away. "I'm fine, I just wanted to have a breather." I was starring at him and I remember what I saw when I fainted from grabbing Kyo. He saw I was staring I saw it was making him uncomfortable. "What happened when I fainted Kyo?" I asked out of the blue when I turned my head not facing him anymore. It was silent and now he spoke. "You eyes was full of colour, and Yuki kicked me out of the room. I didn't know what happened next." He said. I sighed and I looked down on the ground. I have to tell him what I saw, I had to, but why do I feel like it's not the right time? No. I need to tell him. But how will he feel about it? Will he hate me? I sighed and feeling over whelmed. "Why, did your eyes turn colour?" He said and then I started to turn more pale. "Oh, actually don't know, I'm sorry." I said pouting and I saw the look that he didn't believe me. But then he started to pull my cheeks. "Don't lie to me!" He said and I started to wine. "K-Kyo! Ow! Ok ok I'll tell you but can we talk about it tomorrow please?" He stopped and snickered. I started to rub my cheeks. That really hurt. T-T I said to myself but then he spoke once again. "We should head back, I'm getting a bit tired." He said yawning "Alright." I said with a smile. When We both got up and started to walk to the house ofeel him starring at me but then I hit the top of my head very gently. "H-hey! What was that for!?" I said when putting my hands on my head looking at him and he looks away. "That was for getting me worried." I looked at him confused but then my eyes widen because I knew what he was talking about. He was talking about when I fainted, I mean, that's what I thought. I smiled at him and we both walked back home, dinner was ready and we sat down with Shigure Yuki and Tohru, that's when the teasing started again but I smile. "Even if your a hot head Kyo, your still a good person to hangout." I said with a smile and I see him blushing.

but I somehow did something but I now realized, that Kyo has been really nice to me, I hope we become good friends and get along more.

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