🌸~ Chapter 4 ~🌸

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~🌸~ (Y/N)s POV ~🌸~

It's been 1 month since I moved in with the Sohmas and Tohru It was a beautiful Saturday morning and I was catching up with my work from school and it took about three hours to finish but I know I did the best I could do. But when I was finished Tohru came in the living room, telling us she was moving back to her grandpas house, she told me she was not staying long, I get that but the thought of her gone made me feel, a little sad, apart of me doesnt want to lose her. but what can I do?

today was the day, her leaving, I was in my room, looking at a picture of me and tohru, she left without saying anything. I knew she never meant to. but I felt, I havent completed something. I... It kinds felt a lump in my throat. like, I felt like ti lost something important to me Like I....



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it was silent, so I got up and put the picture on my desk and went downstairs thats when i saw shigure. "do you know where the boys are?" I asked shigure and he smiles still holding the news paper. "they went to get Tohru back." he said and I gave him a pissed look. "what?" I said codly and he laughs nervously. "You can catch up to kyo, he left right when he knew yuki took the note." After when he said that i went to the door. "See ya Shigure! thanks!" i closed the door and try to catch up witht them of course I hear yelling from a certain kyo. I fallowed the yelling and it led me to them. i ran to them and grabbed there shoulders they looked behind them to see me and there eyes widen. "you guys are so loud that i could hear you from miles." i said giving them a look of disapointment. "im sorry miss Hona, i guess i was a bit disretpectful for not bringin you along." Yuki said and kyo rubs his head. "im...tsk. sorry as well" i smiled at them. "its ok, now, lets bring Tohru back home." i smiled and we started to find Tohrus home. it took a while but he found it. "the outside still working on." i said and they walk in. thats when i hear talking i went to the window and see tohru standing there sorta sound like she was scolding. kyo and yuki was beside me making me be betweenthem they were talking to much so i covered there mouthes. thats when the man in the glasses walked up to her. "so be honest tohru, when you were living there, they didnt do anything, indecent." that when my blood started to boil. But  than the old man slapped the man with glasses. i tried to listen to the more. but yuki and kyo started to bicker again so i covered there mouthes again thats when we hear tohru. "your offering me a place to stay. a roof over my head again. I cant be anything but grateful for that. I know im blessed truly. so I shouldnt say. what I really want." Tohru said started to tear up. and that image of her broke me. "is to go home. I shoundnt be asking more than what i already have. I shouldnt miss the sohma family so much. souma, kyo, (Y/N)  I wanted to get to know them better. I wanted to keep on eating with them. to keep on talking about everyhting uner the sun. i wanted more. the truth is. i didnt want to leave. souma, Kyo, shigure, (Y/N). i wanted all of us to stay together. learning about eachother, i wanted it so much. is that selfish of me? is it asking more than what i deserve?" thats when i ran to her and went infront of her holding her cheeks softly. "hey Tohru." When she opened her eyes see she's my warm smile and I cup her cheeks. "Its okay to be selfish once in a while. You deserve that much at least." I said wiping her eyes from Crying, but starts to tear up again. But kyo puts his hand on her head and she look to see kyo. "Y-you came to Kyo?" He didnt answer but said. "Come on let's go." He starts to pull Tohru out of the house. Yuki was beside me. "Yuki you go and grab her stuff. I'm gonna have a little chat with her family." Yuki nodded and goes to grab some the stuff. The room was quite. "What's the meaning of all this!?" The women said.
This was probably tohrus aunt. "We came here for Tohru. She didnt want to leave anyways. You did hear what she said, or were you to blinded to your own wants and needs?" I said to the women and she gasps. "How dare you offend me under the honda home!" I glare. "I dont want to hear it. But you have no right to talk about tohrus mother like you did. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree? Unlike you, Tohru is the sweetest soul and deserves the moon. But would never ask for it." I said and looked at the grandpa and gave him a smile. "But I'm happy that you were there for her." I bowed and stood back up and see him smiling. "Please take care of kyoko for me. " I smile warmly. "Of course." "Its still Tohru grandpa." Said the girl on the couch, this was tohrus cousin. I smiled and looked at the boy. "So, she was not the only girl in the house?" He asked and I crossed my arms. "She was alone for a little bit but I came along not that long ago but." I put my hand near his forehead and flick his forehead. He falls over rubbing his head. "That's for thinking Yuki, Kyo and Shigure did something indecent to Tohru." I said putting my hand down. "I'll take my leave. I'm so happy to have met you Tohrus grandpa." I smile and he smiles as well. "It was really nice to meet you to." I left the house and went back home. To see everyone was home. I was outside on the deck looking at the sunset, I felt happy Tohru was back. But...I feel like I should tell her how this made me felt. That's when I hear Tohru behind me. "Can I sit with you?" I hear Tohru ask and I smile. "Of course you can." I said softly, when she sat beside me I felt a lump in my throat. it was quite so I decided to speak. "im, going to be selfish. Tohru." she looked at me surprised. "I, I care about you...you've made me feel so happy when I have met you. I know I will see you at school, but the thought of you gone here, makes it so empty. I'm so use to see your face. when I wake up. seeing you smile. makes me feel joy." I started to tear up. "I want to know more of you. and understand you." I said starting to get emotional. she than hugged me. My eyes widen. "I'm sorry that I made you sad. But I'm here for you every step of the way (Y/N)." When she said that I smiled and hugged her back. It was a bit till we ended the hug. We had to go to bed for the next day but when I got to my bed and I realized something when laying in my bed.

It's been a while since I last Express how I felt.

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